Kohlbeck Academy - Chapter 2

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Kohlbeck Academy - Chapter 2

Hunter ------> > >


I wanted to get your opinions, I don't really like this one chapter clean and one chapter Rated [R]. So if you have spare time, would you mind giving me the okay go, or no keep it clean? Rated [R] fully, or no? Because it just takes too much time, which means slower updates and smaller chapters. Yay or nay? Opinions! Thanks! Kelsa.[: 

Want some P.O.V's ? Maybe a little Hunter? A Little Kylan? A Little Jeffery? A Little Danny? Maybe A Little 3rd P.O.V?

Your wish is my command. . . . Here is a little 3rd P.O.V . . .

     Danny, Jeffery, Kylan, and Hunter sat in their last day at Kentek Assembly. The boy's in the school were happy to see them go, but they would never tell the Jones' that. Jeffery looked at Kylan, and said, "Well dude, you can kiss these seats goodbye, we will probably never see them ever again." Then he looked to the front of the class, and groaned. "Where is Ms.BitchConah?" He yelled. 

     Hunter, on the other side of the room, scoffed, "What are you fuckin' saying man? She did all this for a reason. You do understand that we all have problems? And who's to blame her if she is late. I mean, I would be too if I had to be stuck in a school full of psychos and sex addicts all the time. It is sickening the things you can walk into sometimes." He said, sounding beyond mad. 

     "Well, it's all my fault I should have controlled myself more." Kylan said, and the door burst open showing Mr.Totoya, with a small fat man. 

     "This, students, is your sub for today. Mr.Fitland would you like to introduce yourself more?" Mr.Totoya asked, and the short fat man walked to the centre of the class, and eyed everyone of the students.

     "You are a pathelogical lier."

     "You have Ganser Syndrome." 

     "You have Kleptomania disorder." 

     "And ... let me see ... you." He pointed directly at Jeffery Jones. He studied him for a couple seconds before, opening his mouth to speak. "You are hard to figure out, but you are not one, you have multiple. The first one is your real disorder. The one you struggle with the most, the one you need the most help with; Intermittent explosive disorder. You explode with extreme anger or violence really easy, don't you? Your second isn't really a big deal, if it happens it happens almost consensual which is; Satyriasis. Then there are others.." Mr. Fitland stated as if it were the most casual-est thing in the universe at the moment. 

     Jeffery narrowed his eyes at Mr.Fitland and then asked, "What is Satyriasis?" Mr.Fitland looked over at him, and barely held back laughter.

     "It's what you are." Then Mr.Fitland burst into a fit of giggles, and Jeffery hopped up out of his seat and punched Mr.Fitland straight in the face, then he walked out of class. Mr.Fitland just got up with a chuckle and repeated, "Intermittent explosive disorder." And began teaching the class he was with for the day. 


Meanwhile .. 

    Mercedes woke up a couple minutes before the plane landed. She was currently listening to "Wrap You Around Me" by Sean Kingston. She started to dance a little, enjoying the feel of the song.

     When the song was over, she was forced to shut it off, because the plane was landing. She smiled at the beautifulness that was California. She was looking forward to getting settled in. She looked at her watch, she was right. It was 7:43. She had until, 5pm today to get everything ready. The boys must be leaving school early to get on there morning flights. She had 7 hours, seven hours to prepare for them.

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