Chapter 17

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Hank and Jay took the first available flight out to New York after getting the news. They were able to pick up and go knowing they both had extra clothes and toiletries at Erin and Olivia's houses. Hank had no idea how bad this was and wasn't sure what to be prepared for. He wasn't sure where Noah was which he would be sure to figure out when he got there. It was far and few between that Liv was in the field, Hank thought to himself. They must of needed all hands on deck. 

HV- Rollins! Where is she? Is she alright?

Roll- Hank, we're waiting on an update. All I know is she was hit in the shoulder, lost consciousness in the ambo and they took her to surgery. Let me take you guys to our waiting room. Erin's up there with our guys.

J- Jesus Christ. It's gonna be a long night

HV- You got somethin' to say kid?

J- No Sarge. I just meant I hope we hear something soon (Hank nods)

E- Dad! You're here! Huh that was quick. We don't know anything yet, but it's been like 2 hours and I feel like they should of updated us by now. Oh god, do you think that means something's wrong? 

HV- Kiddo, calm down. Everything's gonna be ok, we'll wait a little longer but Liv's a fighter, she'll be ok

E- Yeah so was mom but you know how well that worked out

HV- Erin, really? That was different and you know it. And don't start with the low blows (he raises his eye brow)

E- Sorry, I'm just-- (he interrupts her, brings her into a bear hug and kisses her temple)

HV- Shh, no need. Just remember I love ya ( Erin nods in his embrace while trying to hold it together, she notices Jay talking to Finn and excuses herself)

Hi everyone, I'm Dr. Barns and I have an update on Sargent Benson for you...

Dr.B- She lost a lot of blood between the scene and the ED, it was hard to keep up. The bullet dislodged from the shoulder running down the subclavian artery which complicated the surgery. The bullet was closer to her heart which made it difficult to remove but we were successful. She did well, although I can't stress enough how tough the surgery was, her vitals were very unstable. She is in recovery and is being moved to a room as we speak. We expect her to wake in the next coming hours, although it's up to her. Trauma like this can be unpredictable for the body but so far we are optimistic. 

Carisi- So, she's going to be ok? Is she out of the woods?

Dr.B- I never like to place bets this early but I do believe she will be ok.

HV- Can we see her?

Dr. B- Yes, give us about 10 minutes to get her settled. Lets keep it 2-3 at a time.

Everyone- Thank you!


Hank, Erin, and Jay went in the room first while Liv's team hung back in the waiting room. They gathered around her bed, patiently waiting for her to wake up. Hank sitting beside her holding her hand, Erin sitting on the bed holding her other hand, and Jay in a chair next to Erin. An hour later, they realized Lucy's shift was nearly done and someone needed to be with Noah. Erin offered to grab him and do a sleepover at her place so that Hank could be here incase Liv woke up. Erin and Noah had really bonded since Erin moved to NY, they were basically family at this point. 

HV- Liv, no more funny business...You say I don't come visit enough and now you have me here, so wake up please! I promise to come visit more, but you have to be ok. I never knew I could care about someone again, thought it was over after Camille so don't give up now. I'll be right here babe...

Hi Mr Voight, we need to assess her and check her dressing. You can stay or go grab some coffee.

HV- Umm I'll go grab a coffee and be back, thanks


E- Hey bud, what would you say if I told you we're gonna have a sleepover at my place tonight?!

No- Umm ya!! But wait where's mom? 

E- (looks at Jay) She, ahh, got hurt at work today and needs to stay at the hospital to rest. We can go see her when she's up for it?

No- Did she get shot? I'm not dumb that's how cops gets hurt

E- Bud I don't mean you're dumb, I was just trying to keep it simple for you, didn't want you to get scared... but yes, she did. She's going to be ok!

No- I'm 12 now, I can handle it

E- Oh really? Ok tough guy, lets go pack you a bag and get out of here


No- Can we watch a movie?!

J- Yup, your pick! 

E- $20 you don't make it through the first half without falling asleep

No- Deal! I bet you'll fall asleep first E

E- In your dreams

1/2 later Noah is asleep on Erin's chest, cuddled into her side while Erin has her feet resting on Jay's lap getting massaged. Jay couldn't help to watch the sight of Erin running her fingers through Noah's hair and how she soothed him. Even if Noah couldn't admit it, he needed comfort knowing his mom was hurt. Jay couldn't shake the fresh image in his mind of her with their future child; cuddling, playing, and teaching them all the things. 

Coming up: Liv's recovery- do ya'll want to read a little about her and hank or skip that? Also Erin and Jay attend Erin's promotion ceremony and have a special evening out

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