Chapter 11

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Sorry for the lack of updates!! I got writers block, then life got busy, and now I'm back...  Thanks for reading this story, I appreciate your votes and feedback! :)


The morning chill crept in through the window but the sun was bright as florescent lightbulbs. I rolled over to see Erin still sleeping, god she's gorgeous. I admired her until she started to stir and I pulled her into me while wrapping my arms around her waist. "Morning gorgeous" I planted soft kisses on her cheek and close to her ear. "Mmm morning" I let her wake up a bit while playing with her hair. "Thank you for last night, you were right about coming here. I do need you." She chuckled and I immediately knew what she was thinking. "So I was right huh?" Yup, there it is. Knew that was coming. "Yes you were, this time (I whispered in her ear) and I think talking about it helped." She nodded and snuggled into my chest. 

We got up to start our day and had some pancakes. I was in my own head while cooking and Erin could notice but I ignored her and we talked about things we could do while I was here.

We were on the ferry sight seeing when she turned to me, "Ok out with it, what's wrong? You've been off since you got here. I thought it was the other stuff but something is still bugging you." I thought about it for a second so it came out right. "I'm going to tell you this because we promised no more hiding feelings but I didn't want to do it here" Erin seemed nervous not knowing how I was feeling. "Before you left, I was carrying around an engagement ring. There was never a good time to ask, then we started going through all our stuff but I still kept it in my pocket and had hope. When you left, I kicked myself hard for not asking you, I always thought maybe things would be different if I had. I don't know I'm just rambling, maybe you would've said no." It felt good to finally get that off my chest.

"Jay, I had no idea! You still wanted to ask me when we split up?" I nodded. "We were meant for each other and I knew that. We were going through something but I had hope that we would work it out. At some point I even thought asking you would help the situation but looking back it might of made it worse and drove you away." Erin was speechless. She had tears in her eyes so I pulled her into my chest letting her know it would all be fine. Little did she know I still carried the ring in my pocket.


KB- Don't you think it's weird that Jay's barely around anymore? He is acting different right?

AR- Ehh I mean he doesn't go out as much but maybe he's trying to save money or something. I think he's the same Jay he's always been

KB- Exactly! He's the same Jay he's always been. Not the sad, depressed Jay he's recently been.

AR- Yeah you're right. Maybe he's moved on

KB- Hmm...

Kim thought to herself how well Erin has been doing lately and went into detective mode. Erin seemed happier too, she picked up on her improved positivity during their FaceTime talks. Kim was definitely curious now thinking back to Jay talking with Annie. 


After a sweet afternoon together, they were feeling the love they once shared. The proposal conversation set the mood for the outing and they were giving each other "the eyes" on the way back to Erin's apartment. They could barely resist one another, touching and kissing finally making it through the front door. Jay pushed Erin up against the wall kissing her hard, pulling her body into him. They moved towards the bedroom, stripping on the way there without a care in the world. Their attention was on the other, to every muscle, and every curve of their bodies. They fell into bed and stayed there the rest of the night playing multiple rounds of scrabble. 

Road Back to LoveDove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora