Chapter 9

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AS= Agent Spencer            


We had agreed not to tell anyone about re-kindling our relationship, or attempting to that is, for a while but plans needed to change if Voight was going to help us exploit Greenville.

"Hey Sarg, you got a minute?" He wave me into his office and I sat down. I was almost more nervous than the first time I told Hank about Erin and I, but then remembered how far we'd come since then. "So, I have a few things to tell you and I'd appreciate it if you kept them between us? The unit is already questioning me." He nodded, his lack of words since I entered the office scared me since I couldn't predict his mood. "Erin and I are trying to fix our relationship, since you sent me to NY we've stayed in contact and I've visited a few times." Hank's face was blank and he was rocking in his office chair. "Jay, she's in a really vulnerable place right now. Do you think that's such a good idea?" I tried to stay calm knowing he was only trying to protect his daughter. "I do, we are doing it right this time and fixing what we did wrong last time. Speaking of how vulnerable she is... her partner is a bad dude. He found out she was drinking at used it against her by touching her and then threatening her if she didn't consent." My blood was boiling having to repeat those words, I could feel my face turning red. I looked over to Hank who was now standing up with a concerned look on his face. "Is she ok? Who knows about this?" I nodded my head. "Only you and I, sir. I spoke to her about it and she is afraid of retaliation. Can we confide in Spencer and maybe she can look into it internally? Erin.. she is so scared."

Hank immediately left the bullpen to "take care of something" and I was hoping it would be to connect with Agent Spencer. 

I went into the roll up to call Erin, she deserved a heads up after that conversation. 

J- Hey... I told Hank everything. He took it well but then left the bullpen a few hours ago and I'm not sure where he went

E- Umm, ok. So he knows about us? About Greenville? 

J- Yeah I told him we were trying to fix us and told him everything about your situation... I proposed we tell Agent Spencer and he didn't say anything but he also didn't disagree.

E- I should call him. If he hears my voice it will knock him off whatever ledge he's thinking about going off of. I'll talk to you tonight love

J- Alright. I'm going to grab a drink with the team, they're getting suspicious and I can't handle their questions so I'm going to hang with them for a bit. I'll call you after!


"Dad, it's me. I should of told you but I couldn't face you. I was scared and didn't want you to be more ashamed of me than you already were for the drinking and drugs. Don't do anything stupid, call me back"

I left him a voicemail during my run around central park. I needed to clear my head and this was exactly how I was going to do it. I threw my ear buds back in and ran around the pond up to the bridge. As I was exiting the tunnel a black car pulled up and rolled their window down, "Get in." I tried to catch my breath as I nodded. This was definitely stuff that the mafia did, although the FBI is a little like the mafia with their secrecy. 

AS- You wanna tell me why I'm hearing about this from your father instead of you? What happened?

E- Well it looks like you have the video footage right there sooo...

AS- I want to hear it from you, Lindsay. Are you ok? 

E- I'm mean physically sure, the other stuff I'm working on. He found out something about me and used it against me, threatened to tell you if I didn't let him have his way with me. I tried to fight him off as you can tell.

AS- The drinking? Was that the thing?

E- You knew? I am so sorry. I was in a bad place but I went through a detox and I'm doing therapy

AS- Lindsay, shhhh. I know everything. I took me a second to catch on but that's why I was trying to check in more. I would've had to step in eventually but I was giving you time to adjust. Don't tell anyone that or I'll deny it. What I didn't know about was this crap (she points to the camera footage)

E- Can we do anything about him? I really don't want to work with him and I'm afraid it will get worse when I call him out...

AS- I'll take care of it, no worries. He doesn't deserve a spot on my team. Take care of yourself Lindsay, see you tomorrow

///// JAY'S POV

"I'll do a round of beers on me, everyone want one?" Antonio, Kevin, Adam, Kim, and Hailey came out to Molly's to hang with me. The vibes were good, everyone was laughing and joking around. I saw Annie, Erin's friend, at the bar so I excused myself and said hi to her. On my way back I noticed Kim eyeing me with curiosity but I let it go. "You used to avoid you and Erin's mutual contacts like the plague and now you're making casual conversation?" Kim gave me her curious eyes again. "I've let that stuff go. I like Annie, she's a good person." That answer wasn't good enough for Kim but it satisfied her in the moment. 

I called an Uber since I had a few drinks and said bye to the guys. I walked out of Molly's to see Upton leaned against her car texting on her phone. "Have a good night Hailey" It wasn't until I was a few feet away from the Uber that I heard my name and Hailey grabbed my wrist to turn me around. "You wanna get a pizza? I could use some company" I took my arm back from her grip and nervously scratched the back of my neck. "Actually, I don't think that's a good idea. I'm going to head home." She also wasn't satisfied with my answer and jumped in front of me, then put her hands on my chest to stop me. "Jay it's just pizza. I feel like we owe it to each other to see if there's any thing under this partnership because I feel it... " She leaned in to kiss me but I swerved my body away from her. "Hailey, I don't feel it and I've been trying to tell you that. I'm sorry but we are just partners." I walked off, got into the car, and made it home without being jumped by any more girls. 

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