Chapter 16

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J- I don't know what you want me to tell you. I mean I do, but I'm not going to. It's over, never going to happen...

W- Jay you can't just cut people out of your life

J- And you can't just ambush me like that. You should of given me a heads up Will. You knew I was gonna be pissed so why even do it?

W- Why can't you give him a chance? He wants to talk to you but you won't give him the time of day

J- Funny for a guy who hasn't tried, I haven't heard from Dad since right after Mom died. So I don't know what he told you or what you've made up in your head but forget it. And don't bring him around me again... bye


J- Hey Er, I'm sorry about that. Will called me like 5 times

E- Is everything alright? 

J- He asked me to swing by the hospital on lunch and when I got there my dad was sitting in the breakroom with him. Totally ambushed me

E- Wow. Babe I'm sorry. Must of been hard to see him after all these years

J- Ya, I have nothing to say to him. Will makes me feel like I owe him something, like I don't have a reason to be angry. I'm not just going to forgive and forget 

E- How ever you feel is ok. How you handle it is your decision and you have to be ready to forgive him, Will can't force you. 

J- I just don't know if I ever will be able to. I don't know

E- Hey, whatever you chose will be the right thing for you. I support whatever you chose 

J- I love you, you know that right? What were you saying about Dr. Carrie?

E- Love you too. It's getting late and it's kind of a big topic so maybe we table it for tomorrow?

J- Wait, what? No if its important we talk about it now. I won't be able to sleep anyways now that I know you want to talk...what's on your mind?

E- Umm ok. So you know how Dr. Carrie always makes me talk about my feelings blah blah blah... well our relationship came up and I said how hard long distance is getting to be. Everything about it is hard- seeing you through these facetimes knowing I can't touch you and saying goodbye when we visit. I feel like its gotten a lot harder, I miss you all the time.

J- Wow

E- I know. And if you feel the same way I'm afraid eventually you'll get tired of this back and forth crap and leave me again. I just can't handle that Jay, not again. 

J- Can I talk now? (Jay smiles at her blabbering) I said wow because I miss you all the time too, I feel the same way. The long distance is getting harder, but probably because we're getting closer again. I can't wait for the day that I don't have to say goodbye to you, and we'll make it to that day I just need you to hold on. I'm not going anywhere, Erin. I told you I'm all in and I meant it. 

E- I don't know why I freaked out and doubted it. I'm just scared to be without you, but I am in  this with you. I wish you were here right now!

J- Me too baby, soon.


One week later the IU team is working to wrap a double homicide case affiliated with gangs while getting a lot of pressure from the Commissioner to hand it over to Homicide. The team had been working 3 days in a row each rotating in to nap, not wanting to miss a thing on pods. Jay did have to sneak out to run an errand. He had "borrowed" one of Erin's rings during his last visit so he could re-size his mother's engagement ring for her, he wanted it to be perfect. It was due to be ready this morning, so Jay snuck out to "get coffee for the team."

HV- Where we at? Any movement on the LKA's?

AD- We have an address and patrol is sitting on it. Nothing yet

KA- Financials are dry, looks like he uses cash and hasn't paid a utility bill in 3 years

J- When we were tailing him, we saw him stop and eat at this sandwich place like 10 blocks from that LKA. So maybe he's stay with a friend? family?

HV- Alright. Kim, find out what's holding up the lab, we need that DNA. Kev, look into property his family may own. He might be hiding out. Adam, take Hailey and go see the families again. Lets see if there's anything that ties these two girls together.  (phone rings)

HV- Voight (goes into his office and shuts the door)

HV- Jay, we gotta go. Antonio, you're in charge. I'll call you. If you haven't wrapped it up by tomorrow night it goes to homicide. 

J- What's up? We going to pay someone a visit?

HV- No. Liv's been shot, we gotta get to New York NOW!

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