Chapter 4

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"Folk's we know you have a choice when you fly and we thank you for choosing United. It is 64 degrees and sunny and the time is 4:05pm in New York City. This aircraft is continuing on to Sacramento, California although if this is your last stop please exit the air craft to the front left and enjoy the rest of your day!"

I grabbed my luggage and headed towards to line of cabs. Voight had given me Erin's address so I wasn't on some kind of scavenger hunt in the middle of NYC. I decided to grab some food killing time until Erin got out of work, hoping she goes home right after. I honestly have no idea what she does, I could be waiting on her for a while for all I know. 

I found a coffee shop somewhat across the street from the FBI building. I didn't want to spy, only to know when she left and to head over to her place. I was going to throw ear buds in when I thought to call Olivia first.

J- Hey Liv, I just got to town. I'm waiting on her to leave work

O- Hey Jay. Does she know you're here?

J- No, I'm afraid she won't want to see me. I guess we will see what happens when I knock on the door. I told Hank I'd try

O- She will do anything for you, it might take a few tries but she'll come around. You know how she is. 

J- Yeah that's true. Ok well hey I'm gonna go I just wanted to check in

O- Jay wait! I should tell you that I went to Erin's apartment today and cleaned out her alcohol cabinet.... and she doesn't know yet

J- Great... this should be fun. I'll talk to you soon


A half hour passed since Erin left work when I found myself standing outside her apartment door. I heard her screams and frustrations loud and clear, then something hit the wall. It was now or never, knock-knock

The door flung open without a care but then she was frozen. "Jay?"

"Hey Er" I smiled, my heart melting being back in her presence. "Sorry to just show up but I uhh, I needed to see you, and I need to talk to you." I tried not to make it obvious.

"Um I wasn't expecting you. I was in the middle of something." I looked at her with a knowing look. "Look, I can't talk about us right now, I just- can't handle it. I know I owe you an explanation but not now ok?" She looked away from me.

I took two steps closer to her. "That's not what I came here for and you know it." She finally looked up and nodded, then stepped aside and let me walk through the front door. 

We stood casually in the kitchen, I took a look around the apartment to see how she was living when noticing the broken vase in the living room. "What did the vase do to you?" Erin chuckled. "Wasn't having a good day and it got in my way" I nodded my head, "Sounds like you" and then cleaned it up for her. 

I almost forgot why I came to NY. We sat on the couch eating pizza with the game on just like old times, except instead of cuddling we talked about how the guys were, old intelligence stories, what she's done in NY so far etc. I snapped back into reality when I realized I would have to pop this bubble and talk about the hard stuff. 

We hit a patch of silence and that was my que. "Erin? You haven't said much about your new job.. how is the FBI treating you?" Her face went blank.

"Can we talk about something else?" She was insistent. "Sure, we don't have to talk about it tonight, but soon ok?"

"You wanna tell me what else is bothering you?" She shook her head and looked away.

"Listen Er, we've always been honest with each other and we're both already in the negative somehow with the Abby crap and you leaving so can we start over and go back to being honest? I can't remember a time where we didn't tell each other everything." I pulled her chin up to look at me and noticed tears running down her face. "Let me help you, talk to me..."

"You can't Jay! I messed up again!!" She got up heading into the kitchen, only to yell dammit and slam the counter. I'm assuming she realized the liquor cabinet had been cleaned out. She slid down the cabinets to the floor, putting her head into her hands. "I can't do this..."

I walked over and sat next to her. "I think you can. You don't need to drink your worries or problems away. You are stronger than that." She looked at me wide eyed. 

"You know, don't you?! Who sent you here? You come here acting all concerned about me when really you have it all figured out, real cool Jay. You know what, I'm fine! And I'll be better when you leave (opens the door for him) and you can tell Olivia that too."

I grabbed my jacket and left in defeat. On my way to the hotel I called Voight to tell him the situation, but he told me to stick it out a few days. I started thinking of excuses to go back over there. 

Just when you think Erin will open up, things so sideways. Will Jay be able to help her before things get out of control? 

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