Chapter 14

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(Erin aimlessly strolls the aisles, shopping for everything she doesn't need. After throwing a few items in the basket she gets lost in the candy isle deciding which sour gummy to buy- obviously both.)

E- "Do you need anything while I'm here at the store? If not I'll swing by after"

OB- "Hmm, I'm sure a new outfit is needed or maybe a--"

E- "Eww, do NOT finish that sentence! That's my dad you're talking about. Ick!" (goose bumps)

OB- "I'm only kidding. I have everything I need here, now to see your angel face"

E- "Mhm, only if you don't try to scar me again with your nonsense...I'll be there soon"


HV- "Alright what do we got so far? What do we know?"

KA- "Ran all red sedans with license plate k8 through the system and pulled 5 possible suspects with records."

AR- "This guy has trespassing and burglary, couple drug charges, probably isn't our guy. "

KB- "This guy has assault and battery charges x2, distribution of cocaine, gang affiliations. My bet is he knows something "

HU- "That guy has a name, just came through. Carl Waters (posts picture on white board) found out he runs with a small neighborhood crew but everyone else's lips were sealed"

J- "But what isn't sealed is his record. Parents were shot in the home leaving him and his brother to bounce around in 12 foster homes. Randy Waters runs with The Royals."

HV- "Jay and Hailey, hit it. Kev look into his financials. Kim, Adam look at his socials, owned property, guns... I wanna know everything about this guy"

KB- (1hr later) "So, I was thinking...that maybe you could come over tonight?"

AR- "Wow 3 times in one week, who are you?" (Both start laughing)

KB- "Well about that, I want to talk about that, maybe about us. I don't know"

AR- "Yeah? I mean I would really like that. I didn't want to push"

KB- "My place after shift? We can figure it out"

AR- "You know I'll be there!"


E- Hey babe, hope you're having fun at Owen's birthday party. Give him a kiss for me! 

J- Hey! We caught a case so I couldn't make it, such a bummer. I'm going to have to make it up to him big time. 

E- Oh no! Remember last time you missed his big soccer game? He made you buy him ice cream every time we passed a store...

J- Yup, I wonder what my punishment will be this time haha I hope you're relaxing with your feet up! I will call you after work, love you

E- I love you too, so much.


J- "Its getting late and we have nothing of value, no leads to pin anything on Carl. DNA isn't ready off the body and autopsy isn't ready. Alibi checks out, but he knows something, I can feel it."

KA- "DNA results are a match to Carl. I also found a private account in Nassau, which he was wired $10,000 two weeks ago."

HV- "Pick him up and hold him overnight, we'll interrogate tomorrow."

HV- "Jay, can I have a minute?"

J- "What's up Sarge?"

HV- "I have to run an errand but then I'm good to do dinner at the house. Does 6 work for you?"

J- "It sure does, need me to bring anything?" (Voight shaking his head with his hand up)


J- "Hey Hank, I'm here. It smells delicious in here! What is that? Chicken marsala?"

HV- "Yup, great nose on you detective. I figured you'd like anything, since I've never see you turn away any sort of meal."

J- "I'm not too picky, but don't put oysters in front of me"

HV- "Noted. You need a drink? Beer?" Jay nods.

J- "Thanks. Hey so we haven't done this in a while and I've been thinking about back then and just need to say thanks. For pulling me back, for pushing me to New York."

HV- "I had to fix you for our girl, so you could fix her. I should be thanking you Jay"

J- "Not really. I should also apologize, for stopping these and not checking on you. I just couldn't  see through it but I should of been stronger."

HV- "Hey, don't do that, you did the best you could at the time. We got through it and we're all here now."

J- "What do you mean?"


J- "What! You're here!" He jumps up to hold Erin in his arms. "How are you here? This is the best surprise."

E- "Well I was missing you and I haven't seen Dad in a while, so it was time for a trip! Dr. Carrie said it was ok if the intention was family, not my past." 

J- "I'm so happy you're here! You too Olivia."

OB- "Me too. I'm glad we're all together. Let's eat!"

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