Chapter 12

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After spending nearly all morning in bed soaking up each others company, Jay was in the shower and I was cleaning up. Between the take out, blankets on the couch, and stripped clothes all over the floor, I had my work cut out for me. As I was sorting through the clothes, throwing mine in the basket and folding Jay's into his bag, I was thrown off by something in his jeans. I thought back to last night's conversation about how he carried the ring around in his pocket, but that was a while ago. I felt the lump in his pocket, reaching in only to find a red jewelry box. I gasped, opened the box and tried to hold back my emotions. I heard the shower stop so I quickly put the ring back, folded up the jeans and went to clean up the kitchen. 


"Hey we missed you this weekend, you alright after that case?" I squeezed Jay's shoulder and walked to my desk. "Yeah all good, thanks" He actually seemed good, not bullshitting me as of recently. I saw him get up to grab coffee in the breakroom and knew this was my chance. "So, are you seeing someone? Something is different, you seem better..."I tried choosing my words wisely, incase Jay was feeling sensitive today. "Uh nah, just having some good days lately, that's all." I leaned against the counter waiting to fill my cup. "Hmm, so these good days have nothing to do with you going to see Erin months ago?" He stopped stirring his coffee and looked at me with curiosity. "Jay, I might not be a detective, but I'm no idiot." I smiled and poured some coffee. "Molly's for the details later?" He nodded, "Burgess, not a word to anyone." Now I was even more interested about the secrecy. 


I got home from Molly's after spilling my guts to Kim. I should of known it was a matter of time before she found out. This means I had to tell Erin so she wasn't surprised next time Kim called her. FaceTime rang three times before I saw her beautiful face. "Hey baby, you still at work?" It was dark and I could hear people talking. "Yeah, we got a lead on the case we're trying to close so we're finishing up here. Are you ok? You look like somethings up." A smile grew on my face, thinking of how well she knew me. "Everything is fine, I should tell you that Kim knows, so then I had to tell her the details." Erin shook her head laughing under her breath. "She's too good, I knew she would figure it out between you, and talking to me again. It's ok, we can trust her." I nodded and let her go to finish the job. 

I laid in bed thinking about the last few months, life back with Erin and how much I missed being away from her. I closed my eyes thinking of all our happy, funny, romantic memories. I must of drifted off, dreaming of my girl. 

The next morning I woke up to my phone, Erin's picture wanting to facetime. "It's 7am, who are you and what have you done with Erin?" She laughed, her voice is always raspier in the morning which is so sexy. "Relax I'm still in bed Halstead, I'm not a completely new women....I wish you were here though" It killed me to hear those words. "Funny you say that, I was just thinking last night how hard it is to be away from you...ugh I miss you." It was silent for what felt like minutes but was only seconds. "It helps to FaceTime, its not the same but you know what I mean. On a positive note, I have good news! I got a promotion last night after we closed our case. You're now speaking to Senior Special Agent Lindsay!" She spoke with excitement. "I am so proud of you babe, this is really good news! We have to celebrate next time." I started thinking of ways to celebrate. "Absolutely. It's not official until this ceremony in 2 weeks but I'll take what I can get." I wanted to know more about this, to surprise her, support her. She has worked so hard to get here. 

"Voight, can I have a word?" He waved me in, I saw down nervously. "You know, Erin and I, we're together... I don't know why I'm telling you like you don't already know. I have a ring, it was meant for her last year and it's still meant for her now. I guess I'm asking for your permission to marry her?" He raised an eyebrow at me and was silent. "I don't know when I'll ask, whenever it feels right I guess. Hank, I can't be without her again. She's the love of my life" He moved to the corner of his desk and held out his hand for me to shake. "Welcome to the family, Jay. I don't need to tell you to take care of her, but just know that it's your most important job."

Road Back to Loveजहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें