Ahsoka The Zombie

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"They're all stupid," Ahsoka laughed. "Sing me to sleep? Heh, I heard Fives singing in the shower once and he sounded like a Tuskin Rader."

Fives reddened.

"What was he singing?" Jesse smirked.

"Oh Shenandoah," Ahsoka snorted. "Of all the songs. And it was hardly recognizable."

Jesse and Echo burst out laughing. Jesse slipped from the bench and flopped onto the floor. His kenching didn't subside and he rolled around and around on the floor, clutching his stomach.

Echo stayed on the bench and put his head down on the table. Fives turned as red as the reddest fruit anyone had ever seen.

"I didn't think it sounded that bad..." Fives defended weakly.

The two other clones only laughed harder.

"Okay, okay," Jesse huffed, climbing onto the bench. "Ouch, I hurt."

"I think we're done," Echo panted.

"Hey, look," Fives elbowed Echo and pointed at Ahsoka.

Three pairs of eyes turned to their commander. Ahsoka's head was down on the table and her eyes were closed. Fives poked her, but she didn't respond.

"Hah, I told you I could do it," Fives said victoriously.

"Do what?" Echo asked.

"Make her go to sleep. I'm such a great singer," Fives stood up and put his hands on his hips. He smiled an unrealistically wide grin.

"You haven't even sung anything yet," Jesse rolled his eyes.

"Oh yeah?" Fives climbed up onto the tabletop. "Then I'll change that."

"Fives get off the table," Rex groaned.

"Wait, wait, wait," Fives pleaded. "It's gonna be really good."

"No, Fives–"

"Oh, ShEnAndOAh, I lOng tO sEE yOU!" Fives screeched horribly. He was off-key and his tone sounded like a Tusken Raider with a cold.

Jesse and Echo clasped their hands over their ears. Rex reached across the table and wrapped his hands around Ahsoka's montrals.

"'wAAAAAAAAy, yOU rOllIng rIvErs!"

"Make him stop," pleaded Jesse.

"Oh, ShEnAndOAh, I lOng tO sEE yOU!"

"My ears," Echo whimpered.

"'wAAAAAAAy, I'm bOUnd AwAY!"

"Noooo!" Jessie cried, clutching his ears. "It hurts, it hurts!"

"'crOOOOOs thE wIIIIde–"

"Fives, that's enough! Stand down, trooper! Off the table," Rex hollered.

Fives clamped his mouth shut and glanced at Rex. The captain sounded so angry. Fives obediently jumped off the table and plopped solemnly down on the bench. If he had been a puppy, his tail would be hanging down between his legs.

"Look what you've done," Rex gritted out quietly.

Fives looked over at Ahsoka. Her bleary eyes had opened.

"Oops," Fives peeped.

Ahsoka's eyes shut again. Everyone let out a sigh of relief.

"Fives, never do that again. That was horrible," Rex deadpanned.

"Okay," Fives whimpered.

"I'm taking the commander to her quarters before anything else disastrous can happen," Rex announced.

"We're going to go see Kix to see if he can fix our bleeding eardrums," Echo decided. Jesse nodded, and the two brothers left the mess hall.

Fives sat there alone for a while. "But it wasn't that bad..." 


Word Count: 1,530

Published: Apr. 28, 2022

Oh holy moons, I love this story for no reason. 

Anyways, the song "Oh Shanendough" is written by Captain Robert Chamblet Adams and the following version is sung by Peter Hollens. When I was choosing a song that Fives would sing in the shower, this was the first song that popped into my mind. 

I'm sorry if I got this song permanently stuck in your head. Especially those of you who knew this song before I introduced it to you today. 

I chose this specific recording because I can totally imagine Fives singing it and thinking he sounds as amazing as this a capella group while, in reality, sounding like a donkey. Holy moons, I'm dying imagining Fives doing just that. 

Anyways, requests are open, feel free to message me or make a comment if you have any ideas. 

Thanks for reading!

Bye, peoples!

Ahsoka Tano One-ShotsOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora