A Magician Never Reveals His Secrets

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The tower stood in the middle of the vast Capital, all alone. It was a beacon of hope to those who needed it, but those who lived there were cursed to seclusion. The only thing that interacted with the Capital was the large window at the top of the tower. The Father of the Forest stood watching the rest of the world, feeling a sense of longing for company. However, he could no longer consider himself lonely, for he now had the company of another Scrybe.

Grimora was adventuring the Capital with Royal by her side as they walked around and interacted with the townspeople. While similar to her old town, the Capital was so much more vibrant and lively. Grimora missed the experience of interacting with living people. Meanwhile, Royal wasn't exactly enjoying his time in the Capital. Perhaps it was the weird stares and glares from the townspeople. Perhaps it was the bright lights and strange foreign technology crowding the lands. Or perhaps it was just the fact that he stuck out like a sore thumb. Compared to Grimora, all Royal wanted to do was return home with his new crew, or perhaps explore the vast seas once again. Alas, his duty was to keep the Scrybe of the Dead safe from uncharted lands.

Leshy had left the Capital after the strange argument from earlier that day. With a distaste for conversation and a great dislike for confrontation, Leshy made his way out almost right after it had calmed down. He did leave behind his messenger, the raven, to Grimora to help her guide through the Capital. Magnificus couldn't be happier seeing Leshy leave, despite the lack of anything coherently BAD about him. No matter what he did to prove his trust, Magnificus still saw that threatening aura radiating off Leshy. And it didn't help with his sudden arrival at the Tower. Perhaps Magnificus should inscribe better security.

Grimora got to the edge of the Capital, greeted by a large cobblestone bridge that stretched out almost endlessly. The end of the bridge was hidden away in clouds. Grimora slowly walked up to the bridge before sitting on the left ledge, letting her legs dangle over the sea. Royal walked up to her and stood there, looking out at the hidden lands. The grass that surrounded the entrance of the bridge was like a clover field as it swayed in the small breeze.

"How beautiful has this been?" Grimora asked, seemingly talking to herself. "I missed the sun so dearly."

"Ay, 'tis be a beauty," Royal replied in a monotone voice.

"Royal? Is everything alright?" Grimora looked over at the Captain.

"Ay ey," He once again replied, still in that monotone voice. Grimora knew something was wrong with her pirate friend. He hadn't made any citrus puns for the past hour.

In fact, Royal hadn't said anything since the Tower. After he was verbally saved by Leshy before he could face Magnificus and his verbal wrath, he kept his jaw shut. It felt off not hearing the captain's energetic voice. Grimora could tell he was upset in some way.

"It is strange being in a new place, Royal?" Grimora asked as she turned her body to face the pirate captain.

Royal refused to make eye contact as he looked out on the sea.

"I think it's quite strange. However, I am looking forward to getting used to it." Royal flinched at Grimora's words for a moment. There it was. Royal didn't like coming here. Grimora slightly giggled to herself.

They stood silent for a while as they watched the calm water and clovers sway.

"What do you think of Magnificus?" Grimora asked. Royal continued to avoid eye contact.

"He be a bit of a prick but if he be what yer lookin' fer, I won't whine.'

"That only partially answers my question." Grimora shuffled a bit closer. "How about the Capital? What do you think of the place?"

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