The Scrybe of Magicks

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The Capital was filled with vibrant colours and shapes. The townspeople were just the same, so different and unique in all shapes and sizes. The large tower looked down on the Capital. What was once the home to the king was now an empty plot of land, waiting for someone magnificent to rule once more.

Magnificus arrived at the Capital after two days of travelling the sea. The land was strange and broken up as large crystals were shown to power the land. Magnificus viewed the new world in wonder before he began grabbing his items and started heading for the town. He couldn't help but get his hopes up about the magnificent stories he could tell the scholars of the Capital, show off his artistic skills, and prove to be as his name suggested. However, being someone with little experience in interaction, Magnificus wasn't sure how to begin.

The Capital buzzed as different species of creatures and people rushed around of their own accord. No one had even noticed Magnificus arrive. He almost completely blended it if not for his touristic attention span. He was enchanted by all the people around him, as well as the scenery. 

"Pardon me, sir, but may I assist you?" A knight asked Magnificus. She held a spear in her hands as she stood next to the tree.

"Oh, um... I'm not sure." Magnificus turned to face the knight. She looked to his side to see the canvases.

"Ah, a painter. Haven't had one of those in a while. There's a trader up ahead who could trade you some necessities for a canvas or two." The knight pointed up ahead. "Really, it depends on your debate skills."

"Oh! Thank you."

"No problem, sir." The knight walked off. Magnificus followed her advice and walked up the path.

But... Trade his canvases? How could he do that? He couldn't get rid of them! This was his work! His life...

The trader was right where the knight said they would be. Magnificus hesitated but walked up to them.


"...A painter? Useless," The trader regarded.

"What? What on earth do you mean? These are art! They should not be regarded as useless!" Magnificus argued.

"Does a painted canvas solve the poisoned water problem? Do they solve hunger and poverty issues? Do they contribute anything?" The Trader retorted back.

"They speak the story of history! They immortalize a significant moment in history! Every canvas is worth thousands of words!"

"And words aren't exactly a valuable currency, now is it?" The Trader snapped back. Magnificus was tired of this exchange. He had been insulted enough.

As Magnificus started to walk away, the trader rummaged around their items.

"Wait," They exclaimed. Magnificus turned around and the trader threw him some art supplies. "This painter a long time ago traded me that stuff for boat equipment but I haven't been able to get rid of it. If you want it, take it. If not, throw it out on your way."

Magnificus had a guess who that painter was, but he didn't try to defend them from the unintelligent trader. They didn't deserve the oxygen they breathed. He took the art equipment and went on his way.

For the rest of the day, Magnificus tried to find a place to stay or someone who would listen to him. However, no one would listen to a poor painter. Magnificus was outcasted once more by nightfall. The people of the Capital had soon gone inside as the moon lit what remained outside. All Magnificus had to his name was the few pails of paint and a few more blank canvases.

Magnificus wandered around the Capital before he ended up at the Tower. It had been abandoned for so long as obvious cracks were visible from miles away. Still, Magnificus walked inside, only to be greeted by chill winds going through the Tower. The walls were covered in old books and the odd smell of must and mould escaped through the cracks. There were liminal light sources other than a large window at the top of the wall that leaked moonlight.

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