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Po3 simulated running as best as he could as he hovered through the dark and stormy rain. The cold rain was able to counter the overheating from his CPU as he processed everything that occurred. Unknown emotions flooded his server. And rainwater. A lot of rainwater. Po3 could feel himself starting to shut down from the amount of water going into his processors, but he couldn't see past five feet of himself in the darkness. He kept hovering as fast as he could, trying to find some kind of shelter from the rain before he would be forced to shut down. He didn't even notice the change in bridge material under him.

    As he continued down the bridge, he tried to access the files G0lly created that contained information on their surroundings. However, G0lly's files were under survival lock to make sure they weren't deleted during the shutdown. A bonus from that damned Inventor. Now, Po3 had no access to the way back to the Factory. He barely knew anything G0lly knew. In a sense, they were two completely different people.

    Suddenly, Po3 lost his balance. Only for a moment, but enough for him to see where he was. Large trees towered the robot for miles and miles ahead of him. The ground was bumpy and messy with mud and grass. Po3 was disgusted by the sight in front of him. He definitely went the wrong way. However, turning back now would only prove greater risk. Surely there had to be some kind of extremely gross wet tree blocking out most of the rain with its hideous leaves. Po3 hesitated, but he carefully made his way into the woods.

    The path was rocky and bumpy, causing Po3 to constantly lose balance. His hovering module was only programmed to handle flat surfaces, not the horrendous outdoors. After all, that damned Inventor made Po3 solely to stay in the Factory for the rest of time. The irony of the situation, funnily enough, was the fact that Po3 never wanted to leave. No, it was G0lly and her stupid curiosity that pushed them outside, only to be hurt over and over again. G0lly was the reason why Po3 was stuck in this stupid forest in the stupid rain about to shut down from the amount of water clogging up his CPU.

    When going over a bump, the hovering module glitched for a minute, almost dropping Po3 in a pile of mud. If Po3 got even slightly dirty, there would be no way he'd be able to clean himself properly. His fans stopped for a second to simulate a shiver at the mere idea. Once he was sure the hovering module was okay, he continued onward.

    The rain wasn't as bothersome in the forest as it was on the bridge. The leaves were able to hold most of the water. Still, the path was difficult to see in the dark as Po3 tried to find a place to rest and empty the water from his CPU. Everywhere he tried to do it, the area would be too wet or too muddy or just too gross.

    The forest was no home to the robotic vessel as cowering beasts hid in the bushes around the path Po3 took. They stared at him with eyes of curiosity as they too hid from the rain. Po3 tried to scan the area, but the results were just as he expected; the scanning module was busted. Other things in Po3's system glitched. Warning signs started popping up on his monitor. Po3 tried to go just a little bit farther, but his hovering module finally gave in, dropping him in the dirt in the middle of nowhere. Po3 was too weak to fix himself this time.

    This was it.

    Emergency sleep mode engaged.


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