Unusual Company

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It was warm. The recent nights had been quite cold as if summer didn't exist. But tonight was warm and cozy.

I opened my eyes to be greeted by a small campfire. I didn't recognize the area. The moon was still out, watching over me. The bloodhound was also next to me, curled up and sleeping by the fire. My memory slowly came back to me as I was greeted by the beast. No, not a beast. Leshy. The guardian of beasts.

He exited from a cabin with the rabbit meat. When he did, the bloodhound quickly woke up, ready to feast. I watched as the tall creature took a seat on the ground and began to cook the meat on the fire.

"I assumed you ate the meat from the animals you killed, so I hope this will sustain you," Leshy spoke. He didn't try to make eye contact with me.

I slowly got up, feeling much better than before.

"How is your leg?" He asked.

"It's..." I couldn't feel any pain from it. "It's alright. Where did you bring me?"

"My cabin. You weren't well enough to return to the town."

That's right. I started to remember this as I looked at my leg. It was bandaged poorly but seemed to be almost fully healed. I fully sat up, but the damned mutt knocked me down to rest next to Leshy. He embraced it with open arms.

"What an interesting hound. I've been told she's not yours, but the two of you get along well," Leshy spoke in a whisper as he petted the dog.

"Lies. That damned mutt keeps stealing my catches and destroying my traps. She belongs to the Prospector. The old fool." The mutt gave what seemed to be a small giggle as I glared at it.

"Interesting. Still, a strong relationship. Was this Prospector the old man with a pickaxe? I've seen him in the forest from time to time, but I had never intended on interacting with him. Even still, he ran away the moment he saw me." Leshy looked down at the bloodhound, who had forgotten about the rabbit meat and returned to slumber. He looked... Sad.

"How often do you interact with others? That aren't animals, that is," I asked. I unintentionally scooted closer to listen. Leshy didn't take notice. He still refused to make eye contact with me.

"I... I don't know how to interact with others. The animals taught me to communicate, but I do not understand human emotions. All except for fear. That, I am familiar with."

Perhaps that was why he refused to make eye contact. Both the Prospector and I showed fear the first time we witnessed the guardian of the forest. Very few went into the woods. Even those knights from before couldn't find Leshy. And even if they did, they would try and kill him or run away. However, one claimed to have spoken to him without fear.

"How about the Woodcarver? She told me the two of you spoke."

"...She was hidden away, carving a deer head. I simply told her what a good job she was doing. Wood carving was a difficult task, but she had seemed to master it. She too seemed to show fear, but she returned to a neutral expression quickly. She seemed... nice," Leshy replied. His voice was deep and sincere. It was calming to hear him talk.

The fire crackled. Leshy didn't hesitate to put his hand in the fire and pull out the crispy rabbit meat. Maybe a bit too crisp. The bloodhound shot up as if it never fell asleep. Leshy ripped a small part off and gave it to her. As the dog ate it up in seconds, Leshy proceeded to rip it in half, giving me one of the halves. I hesitated, but I took it. It was still very hot, but at least it was properly cooked.

As I ate my half, Leshy continued to feed the bloodhound small bits. I never considered how hungry I was. I couldn't remember the last time I ate. At least a couple of days. I think I scarfed it down quicker than the bloodhound. Leshy watched. The only time he looked at me and it was at my most barbaric. Dammit.

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