The Final Exam

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"I'm not sure I can do this."

    "C'mon, you got this, Wiz. The final exam is in an hour. Just follow my lead."

    Pike used her cards on the Dummy that inhabited her room while Wiz watched in awe. In moments, the Dummy was destroyed and recreated. Pike turned around in a flurry.

    "Now your turn!" She exclaimed.

    "Um, okay..." Wiz got their cards ready as they walked up to the dummy. Pike watched in anticipation.

    As Wiz drew their paintbrush and prepared to attack, Goobert burst through the door.


    "Goobert! Wiz was in the middle of practice!"

    "I was actually about to start-"

    "Besides, Magnificus doesn't make his announcement for another hour!"

    "Change of plans!" Goobert rushed into the room and retrieved his friends as the three of them traversed the Tower to the first floor.

    "Wait, wait, I'm not ready for this!" Wiz yelled as Goobert practically dragged him.

    "C'mon, Wiz, we got this. There'll be three graduates just like last time, and we got this by a landslide."

    "Hurry, hurry! The Master already called everyone down!" Goobert exclaimed.

    The three students reach the first floor of the Tower, where the remaining students wait. The Tower's base was huge but the class was small, with most students barely making it past the first month. Wiz shook with nerves as Goobert practically bounced with excitement. Pike stood by Wiz to comfort them during their wait. Finally, Magnificus descended from the top of the Tower as everyone snapped to attention.

    "Hello, students!" Magnificus began, "I must say, it's been quite a rough semester this year with all that's been going on."

    "Tell me about it."

    "I was on the verge of quitting so many times."

    "I wonder who's the best student?"

    "Me, obviously!"

    Goobert shushed the crowd of speakers.

    "...Anyhow, while I must preface that every one of you worked very hard to where you are now and I cannot be more proud, there can only be three students that have proven themselves to be worthy of becoming a part of my deck!"


    "I wonder who it's gonna be?"

    "Ya think it'll be the goo mage?"

    "Maybe? Not sure?"

    "SHUUUUUUUSH" Goober shut the crowd up again.

    "...Thank you, Goobert. Now-"

    "Anytime, Master!"

    "Yes, anyway. Now then, the top three students of this semester are..."

    Everyone watched in anticipation as Magnificus scanned the crowd.

    "...The Goo Mage-"

    "YES! THE MASTER CHOSE ME!" Goobert screamed as those around him covered their ears.

    "Yes, Goobert, now quiet down. Your dedication to this course and magic was an inspiration to everyone. Your skills drastically improved over this semester and your abilities are impeccable. My next student is..."

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