The Calm Before The Storm

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While the rest of the world rejoiced in the new wave of magic, G0lly worked days and nights to perfect the mathematical equation to a Scrybe's magic.

By day, G0lly spent her time working with Magnificus at the Tower, studying alongside his students as some of them began moving on from painting techniques to painting sigils. From time to time, Grimora would visit the two, giving her own lectures and lessons of her abilities to Magnificus's students.

    At some point, Magnificus and G0lly took a trip to the Darklands, thanks to the newly constructed bridge. The ghouls and ghosts of the Darklands weren't as concerned about the appearances of their new guests as the people of the Capital were, but were soon entranced once Magnificus gave them a demonstration of his abilities.

    By night, G0lly would review everything she had learned that day before adding to her code and sending the information to the other bots of the Factory. The Melter, out of the three, was enraged by all the sudden changes. The conveyor belt had to have been remade to handle the new form of technology they had to make, which took over a month's amount of work. The Inventor had given up on their wailing, bringing peace to the Inspector. The Dredger never stopped its work.

    Every time G0lly thought she had the perfect equation, she would end up with some kind of broken device. The cards weren't coming out correctly, no matter how many times G0lly tried to find substitutes. Perhaps she needed to take a different approach.

    "What? You wish to learn how to paint?" Magnificus looked up from his canvas as he and G0lly talked at the top of the Tower.

    "Yeah! Your super-nifty skills are always so cool to see!" G0lly exclaimed.

    "Ah, well, I appreciate your enthusiasm, Golly, but I must decline." Magnificus went back to painting.

    "What? Why?"

    "Well, I already teach enough students as it is! Perhaps if you enrol, then I will-"

    "I already participate in all your lessons, though! I know every technique you've taught and I've seen every lesson!" G0lly grew impatient.

    "Well... I suppose you have. I-Still, you are much too enthusiastic about this, and you've never even used a wand before! Everything takes time and planning to produce success."

    "Did you mean a paintbrush?"

    "Ah, well, yes. But see-" Magnificus stopped painting and walked up to G0lly. "That's exactly it! To a card user, this tool of the arts is known as a wand. Golly, you are always so technical and statistical, but art is much more than that. Art is about expression. And magic is about... Well, there's no definite answer."

    "Similar to being a Scrybe!" G0lly exclaimed innocently. Magnificus gave a bit of a glare.

    "No. Being a Scrybe has its freedoms, but we have our purposes." Magnificus went back to his painting. G0lly's monitor looked down in shame. She didn't mean to make Magnificus mad.

    "Sorry." Voice module 20%

    "It's fine. You're still learning..." Magnificus thought for a moment. "Here I am, trying to tell you how art is subjective, yet you've never tried it before. I understand why you're so curious now."

    Magnificus grabbed a bunch of art supplies from around the room and set them up opposite his canvas by the window. G0lly watched him grab the vibrant and otherworldly colours and bring them closer to the second canvas before finally grabbing something from his desk and giving it to G0lly.

    "Your wand," He exclaimed.

    G0lly gasped as she enthusiastically grabbed it and hovered over to the canvas. She stood there for a moment with Magnificus watching before coming to a realization.

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