Lonely No Longer

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Magnificus was at the very top of the Tower, painting on what was a once blank canvas, now turned into a radiant sky. It had been weeks since he painted his call to the other Scrybes of the world. He considered that there were no others and that he was alone. However, rumours of a goddess of death had sprung throughout the Capital. Magnificus sent someone out to find them, but no answer ever got back to him.

Hope seemed to be depleting as he stood alone while watching the people live their lives. He felt a tinge of jealousy from their simplistic happiness. But it did not matter to him. No. It didn't. Did it? No. Magnificus continued to paint.

"Your skills have improved since we last interacted," A voice suddenly appeared. Magnificus jumped, accidentally smearing a vibrant yellow across the canvas. Welp, there goes that painting.

"Apologies," The voice spoke. Magnificus turned as he stood in shock to find Leshy standing by the door. How the hell did he get in here without the knights or himself noticing? How long was he here for?

"Leshy. You... Gave me quite a scare," Magnificus spoke as he held up his guard. Leshy still carried with him that threatening aura. Whatever he was was bad news for Magnificus.

"Once again, apologies."

Leshy began walking towards Magnificus and the Scrybe of Magicks was backed to the window that took up the wall. Leshy stood right next to Magnificus and looked out at the Capital.

"I am not the greatest fan of heights. But I must say, you can see just about everything from here," He remarked. Magnificus didn't take his eyes off of the beast.

"Yes, it is quite the height... What are you doing here, Leshy?" Magnificus asked.

"I heard back from my messenger that you had become very successful in the Capital, so I wished to visit."

"And how did you get here?"

"..." Leshy's eyes did not glow. He refused to say.

"... How did you intrude my Tower, Leshy?" Magnificus raised his tone.

"Great Wizard! A ship has appeared on the horizon!" A knight burst into the room, scaring Magnificus once again. Leshy was unfazed.

"BY CREATION!" Magnificus screamed in fear. "Does no one know how to knock in this moon-forsaken city?!"

Once things calmed down, Magnificus and Leshy were guided to the docs by the knight. A crowd had formed as people watched in awe. Magnificus pushed past the crowd in a curious fury while people gasped and rushed out of the way for the beastly Leshy. Once the two made it to the front of the crowd, they witnessed a giant ship, withered and rotten all over. A large pirate flag pierced the heavens with the rowdy crew yelling at the land folk.

"Pirates? Didn't they all die out?" Magnificus asked.

"This seems to be a different case, Great Wizard" The Knight replied.

"Great wizard?" Leshy looked down at Magnificus. Magnificus brushed it off.

The ship soon slowed to a stop at the docks as the crowd backed away immediately. The ship's crew bordered the edges. Ghouls and skeletons looked down on the crowd, causing an uproar from the living.

"Monsters!" The knight yelled. Before they could rush to attack, Leshy grabbed them by the arms and brought them next to him.

A wooden plank dropped onto the dock. The crowd shrieked. Some ran away while they could. Magnificus held onto his wand, preparing to cast a spell with the materials around him. Leshy watched in anticipation.

     So this is what the Limoncello looked like in person.

    A woman stepped out of the boat and began walking the wooden plank with the pirate captain behind her. She wore a black veil but still covered her face by her left side with her had to block the sun. The Captain wore a worn-out royal blue coat and a captain's hat to match, along with a black eyepatch. The woman was graceful and light, with a majestic aura to match.

Inscrybing a Beginning to an EndOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora