Guest FantasticFoursome!

Start from the beginning

Lia: I got to know about it through an One Direction fanaccount on Facebook back in 2012 I think. They made promotion for the new fanfiction they were writing and when I clicked on the link it brought me to this magical website called Wattpad. I was first a reader until I started to realize that anyone could just write books on it and then I started to write as well. Little Rainy had found her purpose!

Me: Hmm.... *smils* Did you ever thought that your 5-6 books will hit 1 million?!

Lia: Never. If I didn't think I'd ever hit 100 followers, I certainly didn't think I'd hit 1 million reads on one of my books, let alone more than one book!

Me: Hehe congratulations for your success! What was the first taekook book you wrote? And about your first book My Chemical Romance did you delete it?

Lia: My first taekook book is 'Scared of Girls (Nervous around boys) My MCR books are in my drafts because no one read them any longer cause I'm not known as a Frerard writer but as Taekook writer now.

Me: Hmm I understand but then also... what was the story of MCR... care to give a small description?

Lia: It was called The Roommate. Gerard (Way) needs a new roommate. Again, Frank (lero) just got out a long relationship and needs a new place to stay. Will they fit together. As friends or more? That was the book. A very simple concept and terribly executed by me *laughs*

Me: Hehe don't say like that. The description is pretty good! Any favorite book from your work you like?

Lia: Hmm tough question. Red Revenge is one of my favorites but the book on my side account named Nicotine is also very special to me

Me: Hmm*nods* Any favorite writer in here?

Lia: I really love iadorekoo 's books

Me: Oh okay..... So did you get the various ideas of writing your stories cause of them is something different then the other! Meaning that how did you get the ideas of your stories you write...

Lia: Oh! I think of most ideas through listening to songs. Many of my books came to life because I was listening to a song that eventually led me to an idea. I also have a lot of vivid dreams at night, and sometimes I take inspiration from my weird ass dreams and turn them into books!

Me: Wow! Hmm *nods* So is writing your hobby or you have other hobbies as well?

Lia: Writing is my hobby and also a career I'm trying to pursue. I have other hobbies as well! I've been a councilor at a youth movement for the past six years, I also take dance classes and I love baking and cooking.

Me: Wow! So a type of social person. I really loved it! What kind of counseling you are doing?

Lia: It's like being a camp counselor! I plan activities for kids, play games with them, etc..

Me: So you love cooking right? What is your favorite food then?

Lia: Penne Arrabiata or Indian Curry!

Me: Wow! You love Indian Curry! Hmm..What exactly is Penne Arrabiata?

Lia: Pasta with spicy and garlicy tomato sauce..

Me: Oh...hmm So do you have any inspiration from someone and why is it so?

Lia: My writing inspiration? Rick Riordan, the author of Percy Jackson. He got me into reading books which eventually made me a writer.

Me: Wow! A Percy Jackson fan!!! I really loved Rick Riordan books! And have read each and every book of his!

Lia: Yes me too!

Me: Hehehe.. So as we have come to an end of our show... Would you like to say something to your followers and also to the audience?

Lia: I want to say thank you to everyone who has ever decided to read a book of mine. Having voted or commented or not, as long as you enjoyed it, or it made you happy, that's all I could ask for. Having my books read by people, people who have supported me for five years, and seeing them still here, waiting for new books, really warms my heart. All I can hope is that everyone is doing fine and staying healthy! I'll see you guys soon!

Me: Thank you once again! *turning to the audience* Thank you everyone for watching this show! Keep watching Takity Talk! Bye Bye! Love you all!!!

Thank you. ThaFantasticFoursome For coming to my show!! I really loved talking with you!! Stay healthy and stay safe!

You wtfdouwantdear come home today you are getting a very good lecture from mehhhh.

TAKITY TALKS WITH RYEOSHIM Where stories live. Discover now