Bakugou + Kirishima

Start from the beginning

      I go through the day. It's not a school day today, there there wasn't much to do. Bakugou stayed in his room all day. I wait until it's late at night and I sit at my desk, thinking of a plan.
      What am I even gonna do? Find them and just beat them up or something? But, there's no way I can do this alone. If it's the whole league, it'll be hard. I have no idea how I'll even find them. I think I remember where the league stays, but they might have found a different area because of what happened. Or, maybe I can find them on the streets or something since it's late at night. Who knows, but I guess I'll find out. I stand up and put my hero costume on. I open the window and stop, staring at it. Am I sure about what I'm about to do? I might be making a mistake. I could get badly hurt, or even killed. No, I won't! Sure I might get hurt, but I'm strong and manly enough to beat them. I got this. I take a deep breath and hop out, making my way into the night.


      I lay in my bed with headphones on, blasting rock music. Since I've been in my room all day, everyone's gonna think I'm sad. But I'm not, I'm pissed off. I don't even know what to think about Kirishima anymore. I have no idea why, but a part of me wants to go talk to him. No idea what about, but I just wanna talk to him. Most of me is just pissed off and wants to beat him up.
      I peek over at my door and see it slightly open with the side of Dekus face peeking in. I rip off my headphones and throw it right beside him and it hits the door. "WHAT THE HELL ARE YOU DOING?"
        "I'm sorry I was just worried about you so I knocked on your door about 10 times and you didn't answer so I thought something was wrong!" He yells quickly in his annoying high pitched voice.
        "Whatever, just get the hell out of here!" I yell. He looks at me calmer.
        "Kacchan... I heard about what happened." He says. "Are you okay?"
        "Of course I'm okay, dumb ass! Why the hell wouldn't I be?"
        "Well, you seemed pretty upset this morning. And you've been in your room all day."
        I surprisingly don't have an excuse for that. Yeah, it's pretty damn obvious what I'm upset about. I just don't wanna talk to this idiot about it. "Yeah, whatever." I say. I slam back on the wall angrily and cross my arms, looking at the wall beside me.
        "I understand what you're upset about. But, maybe he really could be telling the truth." He says.
        "The truth about what?" I ask, angrily.
        "Maybe the girl really did kiss him. It might be true that he doesn't even know who she is."
        "My question is, why the HELL would a random fucking girl just kiss him like that?"
        "I don't know, it's weird. There might be a reason, though."
        "What the fuck ever."
        There's a small pause. "It's okay, Kacchan." He says. "We all understand."
        I turn my head and glare at him. "We? What do you mean, we?"
        "Well... Kirishima told us about what happened.." he says slowly. I stand up form my bed.
        "EVERYONE?" I yell. Deku backs up a bit.
        "W-Well yeah! You both came running out and Kirishima was crying so we-"
        "SHUT THE FUCK UP! THIS IS WHY I SHOULDN'T TRUST HIM! HE SHARES EVERYTHING WITH EVERYONE!" I throw him out and slam the door behind me. I didn't want everyone of these extras to know about our business!


      I walk around the city, not too far from UA. I'm all alone, no one is with me. It's kinda cold out here too, so that sucks. I realize that I probably made a mistake, but I still keep on walking. I don't wanna give up just because I might be a little nervous.
      Actually, I have no idea why I'm doing this. I did make a mistake. I should just turn around and head back, and just forget that I even had this idea. I stop walking and turn around, but before I walk, I hear footsteps behind me. It's too late to leave now. Now I have to face whatever is about to happen. The footsteps stop and I stand there. I gulp and turn around slowly. I feel that rage build up inside me again when I see who it is. It's Toga. She's standing a couple feet away from me with a smirk on her face.
        "Did you find out?" She asks with a little giggle in her voice. I glare at her.
        "Why did you do that?" I ask. "You're still after Bakugou, aren't you?"
        "Well, did you bring him with you? It would be nice to kiss him again." She says, giggling. My hands are in hard fists.
        "You need to stay away from him!" I yell. "He'll NEVER join your stupid league!"
        "We'll get him again soon enough." Says someone, walking out of the shadows behind Toga. It's Dabi. The rest of the league comes walking out, too. I start feeling colder then I was. I feel angrier.
        "You'll never get him again." I say angrily. "We'll all fight harder then we did before and you won't even get ahold of any of us. Not even Bakugou."
        "Oh, yeah? You and what army?" Says Dabi, smirking. It comes to me again that I'm completely alone. There's no way I can fight this whole league right now. But this is exactly what I came for, so I have to try.
      I harden up and get in my fighting stance. "Let's see who wins, then."


      I finally decide to walk out of my room. It's late at night, so not many extras should be out here right now. I walk to the kitchen and grab a bell pepper. I stand there and eat it. Extras might judge me for eating whole bell peppers, but I don't give a shit.
      Kirishima starts going through my head again. It pisses me off that I'm still thinking about him. His dumbass has been on my mind the whole day. It makes me go insane. After a few minutes, I finish the bell pepper and start walking back to my room. Maybe if I just go to sleep he'll disappear out of my mind for a while. As I'm walking, I hear whispering and knocking. I look in the direction and Denki and Mina are at Kirishima's door. They have a worried look on their face. Annoyed, I walk over to them.
        "What the hell are you guys doing?" I ask. They look at me.
        "Oh, you're finally out of your room!" Says Denki. I roll my eyes.
        "Yeah, whatever. What are you two idiots doing?" I say.
        "We're wanting to check on Kirishima, but he's not answering." Says Mina, looking at the door worried.
        "He's probably asleep, dumbass." I turn around to walk away.
        "I'll open his door slightly and just check on him." Says Denki. "It's better for me to do it, ya know, just in case."
      Mina steps out of the way and Denki steps in front of the door. I turn around slightly. He opens the door and peeks in there. Suddenly, he pushes the door wide open. My eyes widen. He runs in there and looks around. Me and Mina stand in the doorway, staring at him.
        "He's not in here!" Yells Denki.
        "He's probably just in the bathroom or something, idiot!" I yell back at him.
        "But I was just in there! No one else was in there!" He says. Mina walks in.
        "What would he be doing this late at night? He's usually asleep!" Says Mina, worried. I look at his window and it's wide open. I walk over to it. My thoughts start scattering all over the place. Where the hell would he have gone? I turn around and look at Denki and Mina.
        "You extras stay here, I'm gonna go out and look for that idiot!" I say, running towards the door.
        "We're gonna come help!" Says Denki. "That's my friend out there!"
        "What the fuck ever!" I yell. I sprint out and make my way out of the building.
      I run around, looking for Kirishima. Where the hell would he have gone? Why would he leave? This is probably because of me. He ran away because of me, I know it. Why the fuck didn't I just listen to him? Denki and Mina are feet behind me, looking around for him too.
      After about an hour of searching, I stop running. There's no hope. We haven't found him anywhere. We're probably being stupid right now. He's most likely at UA right now, he was just somewhere else but the bathroom and his room. Denki and Mina run up to me.
        "Where the hell is he?" Say Denki in a sad tone.
        "He's probably just at UA, you're just dumb asses!" I yell. I look over at Mina and she's staring into the distance. Her eyes are filled with tears. I look the same way. I see what she's seeing. I feel the color drain from my face.

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