28. Caught, Again

Start from the beginning

Of course, I knew about it first. Hell, I was nearly thirteen when I saw my mother in the kitchen bent over the counter while cousin Vince was behind her, moving in a way I didn't understand fully until my dad caught them in one of their slip-ups.

My mother saw me that same day I first caught her with cousin Vince. She explained to me that they were doing some sort of experiment, telling me to not tell my father about it or I will be a bad boy.

I may have not understood then but I was far from stupid. I knew what they were doing was wrong and I chose not to say anything though I desperately wanted to, I wanted to keep the family together. Adrian and Jules wouldn't have understood and what I did was to protect them.

But that saying, what's done in the dark will come to the light, has come around on my mother. Turns out father caught them and still to this day, I had no idea how which is why I was confused about why my own mother blamed me for her fault.

Her cruel words, discouraging and mentally caused me to build a wall for myself. I don't act like an asshole for no reason. Well, I don't mean to always be one.

But like I felt before. Things were beginning to change and it was all because of the gorgeous nerdy girl on top of me. Kissing the hell out of me.

The little noises she was making weren't making things better. And the fact that she initiated the kiss was fucking better.

I don't even know if she knows exactly what she is doing. Her little ass, grinding against me as if she was desperate to be closer to me.

And the second she brushes against my hard dick, I found myself flipping her on her back. I was too lost in her sweetness to realize that she was pushing me. A painful pinch to my arm and I pull away from her, my lips hovering over hers both panting like crazy.

"So soft and sweet. Why do you keep fighting me, baby?" I breathe against her lips.

She halts, tensing. "Because of my dad." That tempting look fades while fear replaces it.

My brows furrowed, confused. What did her dad have to do with us and what was happening right now?

"What do you mean-"

Her hand comes up to my mouth, hushing me while she scoots from under me. "Shh."

I go to remove her hand when I heard the sound of a car door and the beep indicating that doors of a car were locking.

So that's why she was tensed. Red was scared of getting caught with me by her dad who I didn't even hear. She must have heard his car pull into the driveway. Hell, I was too lost in her to hear a damn thing.

Smirking, I nipped at her palm and she gasps.

"Ouch!" She snaps, her beautiful face scrunching up in irritation before shoving me off of her causing me to lose the balance I had on the couch and tip over, falling on the floor.

"Fuck, that hurt." I grunt when I land awkwardly on the floor to prevent myself from hitting the coffee table that was inches from my head.

Ignoring me, she grabs my clothes and shoes and shoves them into my arms the moment I stood to my feet. "You have to leave."

I know it was wrong of me to be laughing but I couldn't help it. The thought of Red getting caught because she did something she wasn't allowed to was entertaining. She was panicking and pushing me towards a back door that led to the backyard.

"Damn, Red. Relax."

"How can you tell me to relax? Why are you laughing?" She whispers harshly just as her hands go to switch the locks when suddenly the door clicks.

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