Hogwarts (part 2)

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Hadrian POV

"Welcome to a new year here at Hogwarts. I would like to inform that the forest is still forbidden for all students. We have a no magic in the halls rule. Now onto more interesting matters. This year Hogwarts have the honor of arranging the triwizard tournament. Because of this quidditch is not happening this year. We will also house 2 other schools this year. Durmstrang and Beauxbaton students will soon arrive. Now for your safety only students 16 and up are allowed to participate. The other students will arrive shortly, but you can talk while we wait." Dumbledore sat back down and excited chatter spread through the hall about the tournament. However I wasn't talking to anyone and I was deep in thought when someone tapped my shoulder. I looked to my side to see Skylar with tears in her eyes. People were shocked she even dared walking over to me since they didn't know I was a Potter.

"Hey hey what's wrong?" I asked and she sniffed.

"They said I wasn't fit here in Slytherin and that I'll never get any friends."

"Who did sweetie?"

"Those guys." She said and pointed at three older boys who sat laughing longer down on the table. They had obviously not seen Skylar walking over to me yet and found it funny they managed to get a first year to cry.

"How about you go and sit with Dora hmm?" I said and pointed towards the teachers table. This got Jack, Sirius and James to raise from their seats. She just happily smiled and ran over to Dora. Dora picked her up and cheered her up. While Skylar was distracted I rose from my seat and walked towards the three boys. I stopped behind them and they turned around.

"Can we help you?" The one in the middle obviously the leader asked with a raised eyebrow.

"Yes what's you name kid?" I asked even if he was older than me.

"Kid? I'm older than you."

"Then why do you act like a child then? I would say it's child behavior to talk shit to others especially younger people."

"Is this about the Potter girl?"

"Wow you have some brain cells congratulations."

"Watch your mouth."

"Or what.. tell me did you listen to Dumbledore's speech about the new student?"

"No I don't about the newbies here. I just show them whose the boss." He said arrogantly and I smirked. Then I pointed towards another student.

"Tell him about the new student."

"Isaac you are talking to Hades Shadow you idiot." The girl said and the boy I now knew as Isaac paled.

"You look a little sick maybe you should go to the med wing?"

"No I'm fine. Now what do you want." He said trying to collect himself back to his arrogant self.

"You see the Potter girl as you called her didn't like what you said to her. Sooo you are gonna go and apologize."

"And why would I do that?"

"Because if you don't you will find a dagger stuck in your stomach in the next 5 minutes." I said and a dagger appeared in my hand. Jack, James and Sirius tried to speed up, but they didn't get anywhere.


"Yes Jack?"

"Put down the dagger!"

"Why would I do that?"

"Because I told you to."

"Get the dickhead to apologize and I'll do it."

"Kid go apologize."

Hadrian PotterWhere stories live. Discover now