Despite appearances, these animals don't have membranes to restrict their pseudo wings' movements like the remaining members of their order. In reality, the webbing that covers their appendages are strands of decaying flesh.

(Anatomy of Vaal Hazak with, and without flesh coat.)

Because of the many keratinous spikes that cover not only the wings, but the entire body, as well as the environment they live in, it's very common for Vaal Hazaks to get rotting meat and carcasses stuck on them, giving the animals an undead appea...

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Because of the many keratinous spikes that cover not only the wings, but the entire body, as well as the environment they live in, it's very common for Vaal Hazaks to get rotting meat and carcasses stuck on them, giving the animals an undead appearance.

Although it may seem like the Vaal Hazaks are just unintentionally getting covered in corpses, these creatures are actually purposefully collecting the remains of the dead.

For most species such an act would put them at a serious risk of getting infected by something dangerous, but in the case of these Elder Dragons, not only are they tolerant or flat-out immune to a wide range of diseases, they also have a secret weapon at their disposal to protect themselves from the harmful bacteria they may be carrying.

But to understand how Vaal Hazaks are seemingly invulnerable to dangerous pathogens, it's important to first take a look at another denizen of these mysterious caves: Bacillus effluvium.

Effluvium is a bacteria that belongs to the Bacillus genus, and for the most part, they're very similar to their relatives.

Due to the moisture of the caves, along with the near infinite supply of decomposing bodies to break down, Effluvium thrive in this environment, populating the caverns with their spores.

Similarly to Bacillus anthracis, Effluvium is very dangerous to other species, especially when inhaled. When too much Effluvium enters the body of living organisms, they'll end up choking the animals from within, while simultaneously breaking down their insides.

Because of this deadly outcome, every species in these catacombs have evolved some kind of internal protection against these microbes to an extent; however, unlike the other creatures in the area, Vaal Hazaks' defense against Effluvium isn't to destroy the bacteria, but rather to make it work for them.

Thanks to their coat of carrion, the Effluvium attacks the Vaal Hazaks' cloak leaving the animals alone. By constantly covering themselves in death, these Hexadrakes are able to create a living barrier. These personal shields aren't just good at repelling potential threats though. Because of the Effluviums' aggressive drive to reproduce, they'll destroy any bacteria they see as competition, keeping the Vaal Hazaks safe from microbial aggressors.

However, this symbiotic relationship is a tricky one to maintain. If the Vaal Hazaks ever run out of meat to feed their microscopic protectors, they risk becoming their next meal. Thankfully these Elder Dragons have multiple ways of controlling the Effluvium.

If ever they are threatened by their own bacterial army, Vaal Hazaks will use gill-like structures along their chests to absorb the Effluvium into their bodies, before releasing the bacteria through their mouths in the form of a powerful microbial beam, allowing them to eject the organisms before they can do any damage to them.

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