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"There are mosquitos everywhere," Marisa complains, swatting at her arm.

I smile at her relentless complaints. We have barely arrived, and she has cursed every inch of this new place. I follow behind her, closing the van door. I hear countless other car doors closing in the background, but I do not pay attention as I take in the new scenery.

There is so much green and fresh air, quite the change to our hometown. Vales is nothing but ancient buildings, stone on stone. There is a lack of color.

This place is nothing like home. I guess, for Marisa and me, this will be our new home. I place my hand on her pale arm, casting a simple protection spell. This will keep the mosquitos at bay for her.

"This should help," I smile at her before letting go of her arm.

She smiles tenderly. A rarity only I get to see usually. She gets on her toes and kisses my cheek.

"What will I do without you Helena," she praises.

"Die from malaria," I laugh and take a few steps away from her.

She gets too close and forgets her place. She is to be above me, not at my side.

A dribble of sweat runs down my brow. The heat is intense. I pick up my wavy chestnut hair.

In a seamless motion, I hold it up with one hand to reach for the wristband on my other arm with my teeth. To my annoyance, my teeth only grazed flesh and not the rubbery, dependable band.

I hate this hair. I should have cut it off when I had the chance. Why didn't I?

Just as I'm about to let go of my hair in defeat, a pale hand comes into view with the exact thing I need.

I turn, and see Maddox extend his arm to me, but he does not give me attention. He is too busy talking to my brother, Jason, about security measures. I take the band and create a high ponytail.

I raise my chin, enjoying the breeze passing my newly exposed neck. I can feel Marisa get closer to me. Her breath is right at my neck. Marisa's height puts her face directly at my throat.

My gaze shifts towards her. I notice her delicate grey eyes turn a blood lust red. She is hungry. Her cold hand runs down the side of my neck.

She stops only to lean close enough to my ear, "You're such a tease, Helena. I'm feeling quite thirsty right now."

My cheeks pick up color. I hate when she says things like this in front of everyone. Although I am hers to command and she is mine to protect, she forgets there are prying ears who might get the wrong idea.

"It will be my pleasure to feed you, master. Perhaps, in a later time and a more adequate surrounding," I remind her of our roles and the wondering eyes of our entourage.

She smirks, "It's a promise."

I hear a cough, grabbing our attention. Maddox.

"Behave Marisa. There will be no feeding on the locals, and I would recommend keeping your eating habits under wraps. You would not want to spook them. The last thing you want is to stand out," Maddox reprimands.

His tone is icy. I stare at the two. There is no way they will blend in. If their cold pale skin won't give them away, or their elegant features like their snow-white hair, then their fangs would be a dead giveaway.

Of course, if someone notices them, then they probably are paying too much attention to their mouth, which I would highly advise against. Unless they wish to become a snack.

Maddox and Marisa naturally call for attention. There is no hiding it. I see my brother nod his head in agreement. He knows what I am thinking because no doubt he is thinking the same.

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