Going to the Chapel...

Start from the beginning

       He would picture the aisles covered in the most vibrant orchids known to man, with the entire church filled with friends and family alike to witness their union. He had often imagined what it would look like as she walked toward him, to call her his wife at the end of the day would only be the start of a long, never-ending dream. And the large bash they would throw would echo through the ton for weeks, a permanent reminder of their union for the entire city. Anthony and Daphne made it to the altar, the eldest gave his sister a small smile and a nod as he retreated next to his mother, everyone sat down as the Archbishop approached the couple

       "Dearly Beloved, we are gathered to join together this man and this woman in holy matrimony. It is said that marriage hath in it less of beauty but more of safety than the single life" Elizabeth's gaze flickered over to Benedict's across the aisle, his prominent profile was in full view as he was backlift by the large stained glass windows along the walls of the chapel. She took in a short breath, her heart pounding as she licked her lips slightly, hoping the next time they'd kiss, would be at their own wedding. How their love would finally be shown for the whole world to see, and at the end of every day she would always have him, and he would always have her. He would be her husband, and the thought of the word made her giddy. The couple turned towards each other, Simon took Daphne's gloved hand softly and pulled it off slowly. He then placed the ring onto her finger, the metal fitting perfectly on her delicate member as they looked into the eyes of each other with passion.

       "In the name of the Father, of the Son, and of the holy ghost. Amen," The Bishop spoke as he crossed his arms over the bible and in a cross-like motion "I now pronounce you man and wife" He announced, his voice filling the large room as the roar of everyone's cheers and applause filled the gaps. And there they stood, facing the crowd now as the Duke and Duchess of Hastings, Simon and Daphne Basset.

       Elizabeth had been in the halls of the Birdgerton home hundreds of times over the years of her friendship with Daphne, and those hundreds of visits could have never prepared her for the immaculate party being thrown within the familiar white walls. Large tables lined the foyer filled with delectable foods and the most expensive glasses of champagne. The ton's chattering and laughter filled the two floors to the brim as they fought over the loud, yet soothing music. Flowers that challenged those of the Sheppards were hung all along the balcony in large bouquets and in the center of everything stood the multi-teared cake that mimicked the architecture of the Versailles.

       "I think the Romans would be jealous" Benedict appeared over Elizabeth's shoulder as she ogled at the beautiful cake

      "It is quite honestly the prettiest dessert I have ever seen" She turned to him, eyes wide with amazement "Your mother outdid herself today" She spoke in high regard as her eyes trailed over every perfect detail that Violet Bridgerton had procured.

      "She was a wild beast for days" Benedict joked, allowing a small chuckle to fall from her pink lips. Just then, Gregory and Hyacinth came barreling through the crowd, pushing their brother into Elizabeth and almost into the cake. Benedict grabbed onto her waist, cheeks blushing as he held her from pushing over the main centerpiece of the event "Stop running!" Benedict scolded, but it only fell on deaf ears as his siblings disappeared again into the crowd.

      "They are fine Benny" She reassured, placing her hands over his and sliding them off. They were in public, in front of the entire elite of London, no scandalous looks or unnecessary touches could be allowed.

       "Daphne looks unwell..." Elizabeth noted as Benedict finally distanced himself again, also spotting his sister who seemed to be slightly down.

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