"I'm going to miss you," Charlie hugged her brother. "Same here," He replied.

"You take care of my sister, or I'll be making another trip up here," Viper warned. "Don't worry, she's in good hands," Axle assured him. "Hate to see you leave; you're welcome here anytime."

"Yeah, I need to get back to Vegas; dad and I have some unfinished Cartel business to talk about," Viper revealed. "I hear that." Axle agreed.

Since there had been no sign of Beast for two weeks, the LOH charter was no more, and Bianchi was no longer a problem, Viper decided to return to Las Vegas to his charter. Mad Dog and his wife had left for Vegas a couple of days before.

Axle called church. It was time to finally patch in Blake and Maddox. Downstairs in the basement of Cathedral, the members all gathered around the table. Capone placed a large box in front of where Maddox was seated. Tank put the other box in front of Blake.

"This charter has gone through some shit together, more so now than ever before," Axle said, "Nothing is more sacred than the bonds of brotherhood."

"Blake and Maddox, you both have exemplified what it means to be a Skull," Priest stated. "Blake, you've shown true loyalty and trust," Axle opened the box.

"Maddox, you're a resilient motherfucker, who will always be there for his brother, even after waking up from a coma," Capone smirked. He opened the box that was in front of him.

"I think you two can take those off now," Ice nodded to their prospect vests. Hawk and Bas removed their prospect vests. Blake held up his new cut, revealing his road name "Ranger". Maddox smiled when he saw his road name "Grim".

"Skulls," Axle called everyone to attention as he held up a metal goblet with whiskey inside.

"We live by the rules; we die by the rules." "A skull above any other." They all chanted before gulping from their goblets. Then cheers and jubilation broke out as the members congratulated Blake and Maddox.


The ladies were upstairs discussing design plans for the new clubhouse and changes for their existing businesses.

"Harper, no way the guys will let us have a lady's lounge inside the clubhouse," Willow laughed. Harper pouted cutely. "We'll see about that."

"I know the diner needs an upgrade, especially a new kitchen," Willow wrote down on their wish list.

Priest told the ladies they could make design suggestions, but ultimately the Skulls would make the final decisions on everything. "I think Plush should be turned into a full-on day spa and not just a hair and nail salon," Kate voiced, gesturing to Willow to write her suggestion down.

"What about you, Charlie, any specific changes?" Willow asked. Charlie spaced out. "Sweetie, you don't look so good; are you alright?" Piper asked, concerned. "You've lost a bit of color."

Charlie shook her head. "I don't know; I woke up this morning feeling a bit drained." The ladies looked at each other. "Did you eat this morning?" Harper asked.

"I tried but couldn't keep anything down." "So, I ate a piece of fruit, but even then," Charlie admitted. "Probably a stomach bug or something," Piper thought. "If that's the case, hopefully, it'll be gone by tomorrow," She prayed.

The guys emerge from the basement, cheering Blake and Maddox's patch over. "Woohoo!" Applauded Willow. Kate strolled over to Maddox and hugged him. "Congratulations!"

"Thanks, darling," "What do you think?" Maddox asked, twirling around and showing off his new cut. "Very sexy," Kate smiled. Maddox placed a gentle kiss on her forehead.

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