The Truth Part 2

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Draco was confused. "How was Haley your mother" he kept asking over and over again. Mattheo and I kept trying to respond but now he's pacing and mumbling. I don't know what kind of reaction I thought I'd get from them but this isn't it.

"Draco, chill out. You're freaking her out." Enzo says, going over to Draco to calm him down.

"Don't you remember what she said to us Enzo? Merlin, we've been wrong this entire time."

Now it's my turn to be confused. What are they talking about? What did she tell them?

"I remember but now is not the time to deal with this Draco. You're freaking Cameron out."

Mattheo steps up beside me and grabs my hand to give me some kind of comfort and I let him because at the moment, I'm a little scared. What do they know that's making him act like this? What could possibly be this bad?

"Draco?" I speak up for the first time and my voice comes off as scared. He turns to me and I could see it. Something bad- something that will change everything.

Just before he could say anything, an owl comes in and my attention is immediately focused on the owl.


I think it's better if you speak to your father about this because it's really not my place. Of course, if he truly decides he doesn't want to tell you and you still want to know, I will tell you.

Just talk to your father first.

Then come see me. There are things we should discuss in person.



"She basically told me the same thing everyone else has been telling me," I mumble. " Talk to your father because it's not their place to tell me. All that does is piss me off because clearly there's something to tell me, but no one wants to be the one to say it."

Enzo takes the letter from me and reads it over. "Cameron, she said she'd tell you if your father won't."

"I know, but he told me to ask him first and I already did. I have asked him so many times to tell me about my mother, to tell me about our family. He never does and Narcissa knows that."

Draco sighs, which catches my attention. "What?" I ask him.

"It might be different this time because you know her name now," Draco says. "And because we know who she is.. and we'll tell you too if he doesn't do it for real."

"Draco-" Enzo blurts out in a warning.

"She deserves to know. You've seen the amount of pain she's been in because of Sirius."

"I didn't know you cared that much, Malfoy." Mattheo says in surprise.

"She's family," Draco says. "And family is important."

Enzo jumps in and says, "You said you wrote to Sirius, right? You asked him to tell you?"

"Yeah. I wrote to him the same time I wrote to Narcissa," I reply.

"So we just have to wait it out and see if he answers," Draco says as he sits down on one of the chairs. Then he glances at mine and Mattheo's hands and I forgot that we're still holding hands. "We could talk about that in the mean time."

"Uh- or we could talk about anything else," I say, letting go of his hand and sitting down on the couch beside Enzo. Mattheo follows and sits on the other side of me on the couch.

"I think we should talk about whatever is happening between you two," Draco says, eyeing Mattheo carefully.

"There's something going on between you two?" Enzo asks and makes a grossed out face.

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