Tournament Day Part 2

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Cedric was the first person to go up against the dragon and he did really well. I'm not going to lie, I'd probably quit as soon as I figured out it was dragons.

"Yeah, no. I could never do that. Dragons scare the shit out of me." I say to Theo, who is sitting beside me. He snorts and covers his mouth with his hand.

"Dragons scare you?" He asks in between his laughter. "What the fuck."

"They breathe fucking fire Theodore!"

"Did you really just say that you're scared of dragons?" Riddle asks me, jumping in on the conversation.

"Stop judging me! They're scary!" I say defensively.

"Oh Merlin, that's funny!" Riddle laughs.

"I think being afraid of dragons is a completely rational fear." I say defensively. Both boys just continue to laugh. I know Draco can hear what we're saying but he's actively ignoring us so that's good. One less person to laugh at me. Although I did just see him smirk.

"Oh get over yourselves!" 

Victor was next and it's not a surprise that he did really well. Fluer was after him and she did okay. At first it was a little rocky but her plan was pretty flawless. She kept using rocks and enchanting them to move on the other side of the arena to distract the dragon.

When Harry's name was called, I notice Remus reach for my dads hand and can't help the smile that is plastered on my face. I knew they had a thing for each other.

Harry comes out and he looks very unprepared. I hope he has a plan.

"Why would they even allow him to complete if the age cut off was supposed to be older?" Theo asks as her watch Harry nearly get torn apart by a dragon.

"That is a good question," Remus adds. He's pretty annoyed with Dumbledore for making Harry compete even though he didn't put his own name in. He's only 14.. it's so fucked up.

"I'd say it's favouritism but I don't think anyone who actually likes someone would put them through that bullshit on purpose," Draco mumbles, laughing to himself as he watches Harry stumble on a rock.

"That was almost a positive thought from you," I add. "And I was almost impressed."

He shrugs his shoulders and smirks. "Have to try and keep things interesting. Switch it up sometimes."

"Yeah, okay." Theo laughs to himself. "Switching it up from moody and miserable to only slightly moody and miserable."

"I wouldn't say I'm moody or miserable," Draco says matter of factly, which of course causes us all to laugh because... he has to be joking about that. Except, he gives us all dirty looks. Maybe he wasn't joking? But that's even worse.

"Man this is funny!" Riddle sits back and smirks and be watches us all argue about Draco's personality.

"You lot suck! Did you all know that?" Draco grumbles, shaking his head in disappointment. Theo and I glance to each other and start laughing and he nudges my arm. Draco rolls his eyes at us but doesn't say anything.

"He loves us," I say to Theo and nudge his arm. Theo smiles and nods his head in response. "Of course he does, we're his only friends."

Harry's broom comes flying over the stands and the entire crowd cheers.

Not me though.

No, it scared the shit out of me!

Maybe I should pay attention to what's going on because that was not funny. I literally almost screamed.

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