The truth part 1

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Mattheo left me to go and find Enzo and Draco while I wrote three letters. One to Narcissa, asking her if we could meet up some time and talk about some of the things I've read in the book. One to Remus because I want him to know what's going on and because I know he knew Regulus, and the last one to Sirius. I want him to tell me more about my uncle. He knew him. They were brothers.


I found something in the book you gave me. The one that belonged to Regulus. I'm sure you knew I would find something and I would write to you.

Regulus mentioned a girl named Haley in one of the letters. Regulus asked you to make sure Haley and I were taken care of. Is that my mother? Was that her name?

Dad never told me who she was because he never felt like talking about her. All I know about her is that she was smart and fun. Remus told me she was witty and good at making jokes. She's apparently a good friend to you all. I want to know more about her. I want to know more about my mother, and my Uncle.

No one wants to tell me anything though. You giving me the book is the closest to answers I've gotten so far. I haven't finished it yet because it's so hard to read. Uncle Regulus was a dark kid who had a lot of dark feelings.

Please, i'm literally begging you right now, please help me learn more about my family. I need to know more.



Haley. Is that my mother's name?

Don't ignore my letter just because I'm asking for answers. Remus, I need to know more about my family, okay? I need you to help me out here.

I came across her name in some of Regulus' old things and he was asking Narcissa to protect me and her. I'm not sure if i'm right but I have a gut feeling.

Please don't ignore me, Remus. I really do need to know.

If she is my mother, what happened to her? How did I end up in foster care?



Can we meet up and talk about mom? I feel like I need to know, and deserve to know, more about her. I think I know her name now. I came across a name in a letter from Regulus to Narcissa.

I need to know more about our family, dad. I need you to help me out. Please.

I'm not asking for a lot... I just want to know more about who I came from.



I sent the letters before they all get back. Mattheo comes over to me immediately to make sure I'm still okay. I let him hug me and I bury my head in his chest.

"You okay?" He whispers to me so no one else can hear him. Enzo and Draco are just standing there waiting for one of us to explain.

"I sent the letters before you came back," I tell him.

"Oh yeah? To who?"

"Narcissa, Remus, and uh- and Sirius."

"What is going on?" Enzo asks us, clearly annoyed that we are whispering.

"Narcissa gave me a book before we returned to school. It's full of letters to people my uncle was close with."

The guys stare at me, listening to me attentively.

"One of the letters to your mother gave away something. A name. A name I know but not a name I know well. I've heard it a few times but I dont know much about her."

"What was the name?" Enzo asks me.

"Haley," I reply. Draco shifts uncomfortably and Enzo just stares at me in disbelief. They know something.

"What?" I ask them.

"Haley, she uh- she stayed with me for about four months a few years ago. Enzo and I liked her. She was fun and you know, fun isn't something we see a lot at my place." Draco explains.

"Did you know who she was?" I ask Draco. He shakes his head.

"We were told that she was some old family friend."

"What happened to her? Where'd she go after she left your place?"

"I don't know Cameron," Enzo says sadly. "You know how hard it is to get any information out of anyone in that house."

"Fuck," I mumble. Mattheo rubs my arm sympathetically while he sits back and lets us talk.

"Who is she? How do you know her name?" Draco asks me.

"She's my mother," I reply.

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