Restored Friendship

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The next morning, while we were all making sure we don't make a sound because all of our heard were killing us, I decided to read another letter in the book from Narcissa.

The next letter is to his father. Orion.

I sit down on the ground at the end of one of the guys beds and open the book.

Thankfully, the rest of them are still laying in bed, nursing their headaches and minding their own business. A few moments to myself at the very least. Fighting through a headache to read the next letter.

It feels odd to address you by your name and not father. For mother, it was easy. For you, it's different. Unlike mother, who is cruel and cold, you are caring and soft. You may never have stood up for me or Sirius like you should have, but you were a great father.

Our talks were something I always loved about our relationship. After Sirius left, you were really there for me and I will never forget your kindness.

I know you weren't the worlds best father and there are a lot of cruel things I could say right now, but when things did come down to it, you were there for me. Maybe I didn't see it at the time, but looking back, I see it now.

You couldn't stand up for us because mother scared you too. She was a truly evil women who had no love in her, no sympathetic bone in her body, but you always tried your best to be there after.

Again, not as much before Sirius left. Once you realized you would lose me too, you really stood by me. Came into my room after mother screamed at me and we would talk.

I'm sorry for what I've become, father. I'm sorry that I wasn't strong like Sirius and I let you both down. I wish I could turn back time but I can't. All I can do is try to do what's right now. And I am going to do the right thing. I have it all planned.

I'm going to be strong and brave like Sirius.

Love you,


Okay, well... that wasn't that bad. Not as bad as the other one anyway. I look around the room, and everyone else is still laying in their beds with headaches.


Maybe I can get one more in before I go and ruin their quietness by making a lot of noise.

Ohhhhhh, they're going to hate me, but it'll be so funny. Very amusing.

Not for them, of course. Their heads will be hurting real bad. But for me, that would be very amusing.

I flip the page.

Just because you're my best friend, does not mean I'm going to be nice in this letter. Yes, you are my best friend, but you're a fucking idiot. Just because I am going down a dark path, doesn't mean you should bloody follow me! Merlin, you can be so stupid sometimes.

The mark doesn't mean you're powerful or strong. In my experience, it makes you weak.

That's what my brother told me. He looked me in the eyes when he saw the mark and told me I was weak. Then when I saw that you got the bloody mark too, I wanted to curse you out. Scream in your face 'can't you see this is a big mistake!'

You wouldn't listen to me even if I did that.

And then Evan got it too. I couldn't help but think 'what have I done?'

I'm sorry I couldn't be better for you and Evan. I'm sorry I led you down this path, and I know you don't want to hear it because you're actually thriving with the death eaters, but I can't- Barty I can't be like them. I can't do that.

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