Tournament Champions

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"You did what?" Theo asks me, in between his laughing. "I can't believe you did that!"

I glare at Daphne. She couldn't even keep her mouth shut for five minutes. The moment she saw the guys, she opened her big mouth.

"You passed out in the owlery?! I have so many questions!" Blaise adds, laughing so hard he nearly falls backwards off the chair.

"I hate you, Daphne!" I say to her, glaring at her.

"I can't believe you fell asleep in the owlery! Did you wake up to an owl on your face?" Draco continues with the jokes.

When my face scrunches up and I shake my head, they know something else happened.

"What? There's more?" Enzo asks me. He sits up  closer to the edge of the seat.

"No! Nope, there's no more." I shake my head. It was too late, though. They already know there's more and they aren't going to let me off the hook. "Fine! Hermione found me."

And the laughing continued. I glare at Daphne again and she sinks into her chair.

"I hate you all," I say as I stand up. "I'm going to the announcement by myself because you're all mean!"

"No! Wait for us," Theo whines and I hear them all stand up and follow me out.

I groan and keep walking, picking up the speed. Eventually they all caught up to me, and of course the teasing continued.

"If you lot don't shut up right now, I'm going to hex you all."  

My warnings aren't working. They don't care about my warnings because they know I'm never going to actually do it.

Or they think I'll never do it.

They think I'm too nice.

When we enter the great hall, I glance over to the Gryffindor table and see Hermione looking at me. She smiles sweetly and waves at me and I don't even know what to do. I freak out and turn away from her. My friends see what happened and burst into laughter.

"Shut it," I warn him again. Then I turn back to Hermione after I get a hold of myself and nod to her in response. I smile at her and she returns the smile.

I'm pretty sure I was rude to her... so why is she being nice to me all of a sudden?

"Everyone take a seat!" Dumbledore began, getting everyone's attention. "Let us begin so we can welcome our guests."

"Guests?" I ask Theo. He's sitting next to me on one side. Draco, Blaise, and Daphne are on the other side of the table. There's an empty seat beside me on the other side. Enzo is sitting on the other side of Theo.

"Other schools that are coming to compete in the tournament. They'll be staying here with us since tournament is being held here."

I nod my head in response.

"The schools that will be joining us this year for the tournament are Durmstrang and Beauxbatons." Dumbledore begins, "please welcome the ladies of Beauxbatons academy."

The door opens and in comes a bunch of girls. A bunch of very beautiful girls I might add.

"Merlin, look at all of those pretty girls." Theo mumbles beside me as he stares at the girls walking in. I glance to Daphne and roll my eyes at her.

"Boys," I mumble in response.

"And welcome to the Durmstrang students!" Dumbledore continues. The door opens once more and a dozen good looking boys enter.

"Should we make the same kind of comments, Cameron?" Daphne asks me, mocking Theo.

"You all are so funny," Theo shakes his head at Daphne and I. Once everyone was in their seats, Dumbledore began the next part of the announcements.

Unknown Black Heirजहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें