Tournament Day 1

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Heading down to the arena with Harry and Hermione definitely grabbed a lot of people's attention. Mostly because it's been pretty known that the two of them don't really like me, or at least we didn't get along. It's not that they pay attention to me, exactly. It's more that everyone pays attention to Harry. When we get there, I see Draco, Blaise and Theo in the stands already, Daphne and Astoria speaking with one of the Professors by one of the entrance and Riddle and Parkinson standing by another entrance to one of the stands.

I'll probably sit with some of them instead of Hermione because she probably wants to sit with her other friends.

"Where's Ron?" Hermione asks Harry. Harry takes a second to look around but when he doesn't see his friend, all he does is shrug.

"So I guess you two haven't made up yet?" I ask him.

"He still thinks I put my name in the goblet. As if I'd want to be apart of this." Harry says bitterly.

"I'm sure you two will work through this," I say to him.

"If he would stop being stubborn and realize I didn't do this, we could just forget it."

"I'd say you're both stubborn," Hermione adds.

"Remus?" Harry says, throwing the both of us off.

"What-" Hermione says but instantly stops when she sees him. Remus is here, and he's coming over to us.

"Glad to see you two are getting along now," Remus says as he reaches the three of us. It feels like forever since I've seen Remus, and I run to him and give him a hug. "Did you two work things out then?"

"We agreed to put everything behind us," Harry responds before giving him a hug as well.

Remus smiles happily. "I'm very glad to hear that."

"We figured we might as well, it'll make our lives so much easier." I add.

"And mine," Remus adds. "By the way, Sirius is here too. He just got caught up with McGonagall over there but he'll be over here when he can."

"Probably getting a lecture to behave," Harry smirks to himself.

I look nervously to the stands where my friends are before turning back to Remus. "He's here?"

"Of course, we both came to see you two. He heard about the tournament and was very concerned that you're in it. You're too young," Remus says to Harry. Then he turns to me. "And he wants to catch up with you."

"I haven't spoken to him-"

"Don't you worry about any of that. You are allowed to be mad at him," Remus says to me. "He just wants to show up and make an effort so you know he wants to be apart of your life."

I hesitate because my friends are here and they've already said I shouldn't forgive him. Except for Riddle who said that he gets it. We're talking about my father here, and who knows what could happen if I just choose to get over it.

"Okay," I reply. "At least he's making an effort."

Remus smiles, one of his genuine smiles. I know he understands why I might not want to see my father, and I know that he also understands why Sirius is the way he is. He knows us both really well.

I won't lie though, the fact that Remus understands both me and Sirius drives me insane.

"How are you feeling Harry? Nervous?" Remus asks him as he pulls me to his side and gives me a small hug.

"Nervous is an understatement," Harry mumbles grumpily. Remus smiles sympathetically at him and nods his head.

"What's the first challenge?" I ask Harry.

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