Sirius Black

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Walking down to the common room, I notice everyone seems off. Worried maybe? About what though?

I see the boys sitting on the couch, talking to each other quietly which was odd. I've only known them a little while but they're anything but quiet. That's for sure.

What's going on?

"Good morning," I say to them as I sit down on the chair across from the couch. The green furniture was a bit odd at first because the only furniture I've seen is simple colours. Blacks and greys. That's all my foster families ever had at their houses.

I wonder if each house has their colour furniture. Imagine a yellow couch.

I notice the guys are looking at me strangely... like they want to tell me something but they aren't sure how to.

"Just say whatever it is you guys are hiding," I say.

"W-what? Who said we were hiding anything?" Theo asks me, trying to play innocent but I'm not stupid.

"Just tell me," I mumble to them all.

"There's a rumour going around that- uh.. that Sirius Black got into the castle last night and attacked Weasel," Malfoy says and, despite himself, Nott laughs at the childish nickname.

I take a step back and look at them all to see if they're joking or not.

It doesn't look like they are joking.

"H-he was here?" I ask them shyly. He was in the school?

"We don't know if they were telling the truth but everyone believes it," Enzo adds.

"I-" I pause. Malfoy is watching me closely. I don't know what to do with this information. I haven't seen my dad in years, besides quick visits to Azkaban. Now he's out... and in the school somewhere? The same school I'm in.

Malfoy and Zabini are watching me as I bend over and put my hands on on my legs. I can't catch my breathe and I feel like I'm going into a panic.

Nott was the only one to step up because he's the only one who knows about my other panic attacks.

He leans down in front of me and makes sure I'm looking at him.

"Breathe," Theo whispers as he gently rubs my arm to calm me down. "You're completely fine, you just have to remember to breathe."

"I- yeah no... I don't think I can," I mumble.

"Don't be ridiculous Cam, you can definitely breathe. Just breathe, breathe for me."

"It hurts," I say.

"I know, love. Just breathe in and out and it'll be over with as soon as you know it."

"What's happening?" Malfoy asks, his voice sounding a little panicked but I can't see his face to confirm.

"Nothing, she's completely fine." Theo says to him.

"I don't feel completely fine," I add and Theo snorts.

"But you are, right? You're just going to breathe calmly and try to catch your breathe."

"Will one of you tell me what the fuck is going on right now?" Malfoy snaps at me and Theo, "Because I'm very confused and a little worried."

"Awh, I feel so honoured but you don't need to worry about me." I say. Theo smirks at me and claps his hands.

"And she's back," Theo says but Malfoy still looks like he's expecting an answer.

"I'm fine, I promise. It's just an anxiety attack. They happen but I'm fine."

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