"I, Varun Shergill, am married now, you all know haha. So-" he sighed "This speech is something about me, everyone who made me who I am today. First of all, I want to thank the most beautiful woman in the world, the one who is lifeline, the strongest and, there she is" everyone expected it to be Lavanya but the moment his finger pointed at me, the crowd awed. My eyes watered as a result of the sudden inflow emotions.

"She was pregnant with me when she was 17, my grandparents left her but she did not let me go. She gave birth to me and taught me what love is. She's the woman behind my success, I love you mom"

He looked at me and smiled.

"Then my dear Divya and Sia aunts. The ones whom I wanted to marry as a child" he blushed "Well I still do" shrugging his shlulders he looked at the girls and blew a kiss towardd them "But" he laughed shielding himself from the flowers thrown towards him as a weapon by Romi. "Yeah there's the reason I didn't. The stearlers of my love" he sighed like a hearbreak person  "They were the reason those five years of my life I didn't have to face any kind of challenges. They indeed are the second mothers to me. I love you two"

"Then, my lovely Arjun uncle. The one who taught me how to ride a cycle, even if it was because of him that I fell several times and tore three of my favourite shirts" everyone laughed and so did Arjun "You're a true friend uncle. I want to make it short or otherwise I had so many things to tell about you. I love you Arjun uncle"

Romi was seen frowing since his name wasn't taken "And I love you too Romi Uncle"

"That's better" Romi dusted his shoulders and sat attentively to lizten to him after showing everyone that he was Romi, the one Varun was talking about.

"You literally ruined my life by all your stupid ideas" wow, the smile disappeared "Your ideas always got me into trouble. Your own children know that sensible and you- don't exist together. I still remember when you kidnapped a child for me who beat me up. That was insane"

That incident! We had to thank god because the child thought we were playing with him so he didn't tell him mom.

"But I still love you. You're my best friend, even if you're crazy" he smiled.

"And now" he took Lavanya's hand in his and kneeled down in front of her "Lavanya Singh, now Lavanya Shergill. At first my best friend and now my wife. I have made so many stupid choices in my life but you stood with me everytime I was in trouble and got me out of it. I was a fool to never see your love for me and run after something I shouldn't have. I won't say you're my sun my moon my everything. I just want to say- I love you. And I will always be by your side till the end of both our lives. I love you so much Lavanya, I really do"

The entire hall clapped for them as they hugged each other and rejoiced in their happiness. He loved her- Rakshit was so right.

"What about you Rakshit?" Sinister looked at Rakshit as Varun made an excuse and left the place for a few minutes.

Rakshit bowed his head due to disappointment. I tried consoling him and intertwined our fingers but Sinister's words seemed to have more weight than mine.

"And poor poor Rakshit" he smirked.

Suddenly all the lights went dim and a projector started projecting some pictures on the screen in front of us.

It was Rakshit and Varun.

"Now comes my superhero. The man who is my inspiration, the man I look up to, the man I want to be in my life. Dad, that's you" Varun came in front of the screen and started walking around while showing the pictures.

"Dad, I love you. So what if you're not my biological father? You are still my father. You took care of me when I needed you the most, you loved me like no other father could love his child. I remember that we started as friends" Varun laughed nervously looking at his dad smiling.

"You came as my Raksh- which means protector and you sure were my savior. You know there were times when my mommy- I'm sorry ladies and gentlemen, I still call her mommy" he blushed as the crowd laughed at his habit of calling of mommy.

A gesture of sweet laughter.

"She feared that I would turn out as my biological father some day but-" punching his chest twice he pointed at his dad "when you are the one who raised me, how could I grow up as a bad man?"

Sinister's head was bowed down while Rakshit's stood proud because of his son. Rakshit's eyes were teary as he heard Varun speak.

"You let me draw on your face, beat you in every game we played- ok that was not true, you weren't that loving to let me win" they laughed. "Most importantly- you gave me siblings!"

This child!

"I heard someone telling you that you are not my father. To all those who have any doubts- Rakshit Shergill is as much my father as Drishti Shergill is my mommy" he could have used mother. "You gave me your last time, my identity and I can't express my gratitude towards you. When I thought I loved some other girl, you brought me to right path and made me realize Lavanya is my one true love. Everything I am today, that's all because of you. Now when I'm older I know whatever you did was the best for all of us, me and all my siblings. One day when I would have children of my own and I'll be a father too"

The father and son looked at each other with tears running down their faces "I hope that I'm just like you. Thanks for coming to our lives dad, thanks for loving me and mommy. We all love you a lot"

By now Sinister would have understood that Varun heard everything he said. And he still wasn't anything for us.

For Varun- Rakshit was his dad and that truth could never be changed.

Varun came towards the table and hugged Rakshit. Rakshit patted Varun's back while crying but after whispering something in each other's ears they started laughing.

These father and son! They never changed.

"Mr. Sinister, you came to my wedding. I thank you for that. But please, never a word against my dad. Never, ever" Varun smiled at Rakshit and went past Sinsiter.

He realized he did a mistake leaving us. After the function was over he came to us personally apologized, telling how much he regretted leaving us.

If We Have Each Other [Completed]Where stories live. Discover now