14: J O I N U S

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"To the trampolines!" Varun screamed and caught me hand, pulling me to the trampoline for the third time after visiting many other rides. "We need to go now! Or that toothless kid will get there first, ah Rakshit come on!"

"Varun you need to calm down" If anyone thought that my words will make him calm down then it was just a delusion of your heart.

Varun let go of my hand and ran towards the trampoline like a mad kid- man.

The blind running towards the trampolines dis not get him to the place in time but only caused him to stumble on a long pipe and fall on the ground.

"Varun!" I screamed and ran to pick him.

Either he will cry and people will look at me like I was some kidnapper or his mother would kill me for setting him out like cattle on their graze.

Go Varun, feed on whatever you want.

"Varun, you okay?" I rolled him and helped him sit on the ground and later searched for any sort of injury. It was a big ugly red bruise on his knee and Varun watching it, was definitely not okay.

In the starting Varun did not react but when he started looking at his knee, out of some blood had started oozing out, his face grew in the expressions of crying.

This was the moment I knew,

I was going to be the center of attention and all thanks to this little toothless panda who called himself a man.

"Hey hey hey, men don't cry from minor falling down, right? Babies do. Are you a baby? Or a grown up man?" I brushed my hand gently over the wound and looked at his face which was trying hard to control the tears.

His upper lip was hiding under his lower lip which was quivering, and eyes which were trying to hold the tears back.

It worked to some extent.

"But the trampoline. We lost, Raksh, we just lost" he muttered with the crying face and sniffed loudly while sitting on the ground and running his finger around his knee. It was clear that he needed a distraction and what could provide a distraction from sorrow more than something sweet.

"How about we go and have an ice cream?" I asked him.

The crying face was immediately replaced with a childish smile, the one which is full of pure innocence and high level of excitement. He nodded his head while wiping his tears which fell down as he closed his eyes.

We were walking towards the ice cream corner but Varun did not seem to be comfortable in walking.

How would be comfortable with walking after jumping all around for two hours?

Despite how tired he looked, he did not allow me to pick him up just because his male ego would get hurt. He did not use the word but I could understand.

Man to man talks you know.

"Raks, where is mommy? And Divya and Sia and" he started thinking if we had any other person with us but soon held his head "Oh so much confusion"

"Dramatic toothless-"

"Sh! Don't you try calling me that. You tall tall, tall, um" he put his finger on his chin and started thinking about what could he call me. Meanwhile I was looking for what he wanted.

"One mango and two chocolates" I ordered.

I simply loved how chocolates would trick you into a good mood for good five minutes depending on your speed to eat them. The effect lasting a few more minutes.

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