21: B L I S S

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I've never written something like this before *except one story which does not exist now*


He kissed along my neck. I could feel him smiling against my skin as his hands wrapped around my waist, pulling me more into himself.

"Rakshit" I moaned, running my hands through his hairs and standing on my toes to match his height.

Stopping at the spot where I felt like losing my control, he lifted his face and looked me straight in the eyes. With a genuine satisfaction lingering on his face, he spoke "I love you"

"I know" I chuckled, knowing that my love loved me back.

"You should say I love you too" he complained, removing the wet strands of my hair which were stuck near my eyes.

"But I don't want to" I laughed again, leaving him unsatisfied with my actions and words.

"But I want to listen. Why can't you?" He complained. At this point he looked like the carbon copy of Varun. Crying over a specific thing, impatient and obstinate being.

"Because" I kissed his nose, wrapping my arm around his neck and using the spare hand to punch his chest lightly "I don't want to"

"That's mean" he pouted. The water dripping from his hair was falling on my face due to the closeness and his breaths could be felt near my nose. "Can you tell me you love me?"

As I nodded my head in a no his face dropped and the same smile was no longer visible. Living with Varun had actually taught him a thing or two. Emotional Blackmailing being one of them.

"Ok fine, I love you" His face instantly lit up with the sweetest glow and with the smile adorably lingering on his face he looked like one of the best things which had ever happen to me.

"I love you too, three, four, five, six, seven, eight, nine, infinity!" He squealed gleefully as he picked me in air and twirled me around. I screamed and laughed simultaneously at his sudden action. "I love you!"

Sometimes little things give you happiness and today that one big moment had come with an immense amount, leaving Rakshit vulnerable to over excitement just like I was.

"Put me down!" Just like before, I screamed and laughed, telling him that I was enjoying the moment to the fullest and he did the same. I cupped his face while hanging in air and kissed his nose before he put me down and I sat on the couch, even if I was making it soaky wet due to the bath in the rain.

He kneeled down before me and took my hands into his, kissing my knuckles before he looked me into the eyes and gave me an assuring smile. "You know, I've loved you for a long time but never dared to tell you. The day I moved me, I saw you and Varun. I found you attractive at the very first day but kept ignoring the feelings of attraction unless they took the shape of love. Thank you for coming into my life Drishti, thanks a lot"

I was about to say something when he glared hard "I haven't completed yet!"

Ok, I guess

"I want to be with you forever Drishti. I don't know if I could love you to the extent you deserve, be the man who could keep you happy but I will surely be loyal to you, have your back when you need me and love you till my last breath. Do never leave me Drishti, never ever"

"Only a fool would leave someone like you" I cried. Wiping away my tears I embraced him in a hug and tried squeezing his soul out of his body only to realize that he was huge and one squeeze from his side meant my death.

He slowly lifted his face and looked at me. The intensity of the stare being too much to handle caused my heart thump with excitement and the insides of my stomach tickle as his hand went to trace my jaw line before capturing my lips for another kiss.

If We Have Each Other [Completed]Where stories live. Discover now