10: F R I E N D S

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ओह! यह छवि हमारे सामग्री दिशानिर्देशों का पालन नहीं करती है। प्रकाशन जारी रखने के लिए, कृपया इसे हटा दें या कोई भिन्न छवि अपलोड करें।


I knocked at their house's door and stood awkwardly in front of it. It was the first time that they invited me over and I had reached without any gift or something else for them.

I should have bought something, right?

The door opened soon and in front of me stood Drishti wearing a white elegant dress and hairs tied in a high ponytail. "Hi" She smiled.

"Hi" Drishti stood aside so that I could enter and closed the door behind me.

"Varun has been waiting for you since 7 He has asked me fifteen times if he have arrived" She laughed and lead me towards the couch of the living room. "I'll get you some water" she smiled and went to the kitchen to fetch a glass of water, meanwhile calling out to Varun "Varun come out, Rakshit is finally here"

I looked in the direction of the room whose door opened in a hurry after Drishti asked Varun to come. From the room came Varun, running a marathon and screaming at the top of his lungs "Raksh!" He ran to where I was seated and jumped on the sofa, taking a seat beside me before standing on his place and falling on me with his arms trying to hug the most of me "Finally!"

"Nice to meet you too again, my dear toothless panda" I laughed and tried to hold him when he jerked himself back, about to fall from the sofa but I held his hands, leaving him swing on his place.

All this anger was for calling him a toothless panda and I knew it from the face he made, trying to hide the space where his teeth should have been but were absent.

"You're late" his cheeks puffed up as he looked at the wall clock and showed me the time "Exactly four and a half minutes late. I wanted you to meet my toys but your fault that you came so late, they must be sleeping now"

I don't blame him. Even I used to think of it as a kid.

All because of Disney.

"No problem, we will meet them some other day" I cheered his frowning face up and watched him smile without opening his mouth and sit beside me.

As we were talking, or better say he was talking, Drishti came with a glass of juice and forwarded the tray for me to grab the glass. I thanked her with a gentle smile and took the glass, sipping the juice. Till then she stood silently holding the tray and looking at her son whose eyes were on my glass.

That moment when youbare drinking something and someone is eyeing you makes you feel uncomfortable.

And if it was a hungry child then the discomfort shifts to another level when you know you can't offer the juice you already drank as her mom is watching the both of you.

One thing which was sure was that

I won't be able to digest the juice today.

Soon the glass was emptied and his eyes which were priorly on me traveled to his mother who widened her eyes at him, threatening him to show some manners.

If We Have Each Other [Completed]जहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें