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The chapter is not so detailed but just a basic understanding of what happened to him. You will get to know about him as the story continues.

 You will get to know about him as the story continues

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R A K S H I T' S S I D E

The sound of heavy footsteps at this late hour of the night alerted Romi's senses, and he knew his brother was back home. Fearing that their mother might get awoken at the sound of the fracked door creaking due to Rakshit's untimely arrival, he opened his window for Rakshit, a thing which had become more common in the past few days.

From the window jumped in a bruised Rakshit, not caring what would happen if his mother woke up to the scenario.

"Rakshit you know it's too risky for you to be outside, why do you always have to do this? What if she saw you?" Romi tried explaining his younger brother but Rakshit was not much of a person who cared about the one manipulating and controlling their lives for far more time they could remember.

"What would've she done? I don't really understand, we are above 18 and still we're stuck with this woman and then you'll say reason is that she is our mom? When did she ever act like one?" Throwing a disgusted look at Romi, Rakshit threw himself at his bed in the room the three brothers shared.

The three of them, Arjun, Romi and Rakshit always considered family above all, so they shared a single room in order to further strengthen the bond they shared.

'Family' was a term which held the top most importance in their lives, the sole reason why their mother, despite her deeds was still being tolerated by the brothers. The three were family and could mever stand a word against each their. Their mom was,

Just their mom.

They loved their father. The man who taught them that in a family 'no one is left behind' no matter what.

Their mother was a lady who was despised and denounced by nearly every person in that neighborhood or who knew her closely. She wasn't abusive, but she had played the major role in the tearing apart of the family they once was.

She mentally tortured her husband into thinking that he was never enough and could mever support his family, pressurized him and broke him to the extent that he decided to take a forever leave from the sufferings of life and the constant pain given by the world.

She forced the brothers to work when they should have been spending the time like other normal kids with normal happy families. They had to follow rules, her rules which were not less a nightmare for the kids.

Out of the trio, Rakshit was the one whom she hated for absolutely no reason.

Every now and then she would pass him tantrums, give him an earful of her thoughts which consisted of ideas 'how great it would be if he had the fate like his father'. Tormenting him with her words wasn't enough when she started drugging her own son, drowning him into the addiction which he couldn't handle, leading to an overdose once.

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