7: I C E C R E A M

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"I know I'm cute, my mommy tells me this daily but you don't need to stare, I get shy!" He blushed awkwardly and sat on the swing. "Now, can you push it? Phl-uese"

I was not a big fan of kids but the smile of this kid was without any front tooth, so I could not help myself from laughing when he smiled his cutest smile to get me give him a push at the swing.

The boy didn't like the idea of my laugh though.

It was evident from his grumpy face and the way he crossed his arms around his chest, jumping from the swing.

"I am offended by you. Goodbye. Never ever meet me or I will tell my mommy agree that wifey and girlfriend are right about you" His face bubbled up with the air he took in to indicate the amount of anger he was controlling.

To be honest, I was curious when he spoke about his girlfriend and his wife talking about me. Who were they? Toys, dolls, school girls which might have given him a scale to use and poor fellow was enchanted.

"Oh seriously, and who are they? Your mommy's car, your toys? Or your imaginary girl" I helped myself on the swing and watched the kid march upto me and pass me some glares.

"Oh please, I am not as single as you. My girlfriend is Sia and wifey is Divya. And they are tall! Not my toys and definitely real! Divya lives next door and Sia lives beside her. You know, my mommy has taught me that we should not tell our or someone's address to people we don't know" Doing a great job buddy, a great job.

"Then why are you telling me?" I didn't recognize the kid at the first sight but having a close look, I felt that I had seen him somewhere before.

"Because you are our neighbor so you are smart enough to know where they live" he sighed, and slapped his forehead with his left hand.

The connection was out and I realized this kid was none other than Drishti's son. That's why he looked so familiar.

Neglecting the fact that he was poking and squeezing my biceps, I shifted my mind to think about the ways by the help of which I could ask him what they said about me. Maybe that's why she was ignoring the fact that she agreed to walk back home with me.

She was coming safe and that was enough. But being another normal human, curiosity ran in my veins.

"Are these real?" He asked innocently and wrapped himself around my arm, continuing admiring them with popped out of excitement eyes. "I also have! Let me show you"

"Yeah you do" Without letting him show his biceps, I lifted him till his feet were off ground and walked towards the other swing on which he was sitting.

"Put me down! Kidnapper!" Wasn't he the person who acted as if he had known me for years? "Oh, you are going to push me on the swing" he chuckled as I put him on the swing and went behind to push him.

He clapped happily and laughed gripping the wire of the swing as it oscillated in the air. Children get happy with the slightest moment of joy that comes in their lives, the reason why we miss our childhood. Life seemed so perfect back then, away from every tension and problems of the world.

I continued pushing him on the swing but stopped when he said that he was feeling a little dizzy. Muttering a low omg under his breath, he jumped from the swing and ran towards the exit of the park, all alone.

We were not very well acquainted to each other, but what I was not going to do was letting a minor run alone on the streets. "Hey kid! Wait" I screamed and ran towards him when he stopped near the tree towards the exit and looked back at me.

If We Have Each Other [Completed]Where stories live. Discover now