5: A S S U M E D H E R O I S M

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"Two blueberry shakes with caramel please" Collen winked at me while leaning on his arm and ruining the freshly cleaned counter with his sweaty self.

Blueberry with caramel? Well, people have their own choices.

Collen was one of our regular customers and had grown a close relation to Lily, the only two reasons why I had to face him with a smile, better elaborating, the tightest fake lipped smile.

"But you're alone Collen, you sure you will have two?"

"I'm not alone" He shrugged his jacket and leaned further near the counter, striking the tip of my nose with his finger "You're with me"

"I'm sorry but I'm busy Collen, I have customers to attend" and I won't be sorry to reject you without any reason.

"Oh come on D! Lily can you please ask your sweetheart to relax for a minute, she had been working so hard without a break. I was just offering her to have a drink with me" Excuse me?! I did like blueberry shake, but without caramel.

"Come on D, Collen is just concerned about you. Such a lovely boy he is!" Thanks a lot, Lily.

"But Lily, the customers" I goggle-eyed her and looked back at other customers standing behind Collen who was literally blocking their way.

"What do you think others are here for? Katie, make yourself useful till she enjoys a nice chit-chat with her friend" Lily threw a mischievous grin at Katie who dropped her apron before giving me a glare.

"Me?" Katie's eyes widened as she looked at the line of customers which was officially my task today.

"No, your mother is on her way to do your work" I hope I don't need to explain the fact that Lily shipped me with Collen.

According to her, Collen was an understanding person with so many talents and had a soft corner for me. His height, well-maintained body type, dusty grey eyes, and dirty brown hair were attractive for sure, but nothing could be said about his nature.

"But I don't like caramel with blueberries, and today I'm in no mood to have a blueberry shake either" I pleaded with her through the corner of my eyes but she turned her face away from my requests.

"No problem D. You can make whatever you like, it's on me today" he smiled.


"No ifs and No buts" Lily got the hold of my hand and pulled me away from the counter "You two wait at the table while I get your orders ready" she grabbed my apron and winked at me "enjoy"

"After you" Collen offered me his hand and keeping a whole mountain on my heart, I slipped my hand in his and followed him towards the table.

As anyone could imagine his next move, he pulled out a chair for me and after I sat down, he moved to sit in front of me. "So, how's our champ?"


Excuse me?

"What?" I looked at him in surprise but it had no impact on him. It only made him laugh hysterically like I cracked one of the funniest jokes in the world.

"I mean your son. Just a slip of tongue" he smiled, once again. And I had felt this sudden need to punch his face but I couldn't.


Because I never punched anyone in reality and he was Lily's favorite.

"He's good" I used to bring Varun to the work with me sometimes so Collen got to know about him and tried to mix up with Varun.

If We Have Each Other [Completed]Wo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt