13: N E W F R I E N D S

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Yes, it was me again, your friendly neighborhood no one who was standing outside Drishti's door.

Some people like staying alone while some want to be in other's company and know that they are not alone.

I was definitely the second type of person but trying to make a space for myself in someone else's life did not feel right. I was still stuck between the thoughts if trying to find a place for myself was right.

That's when Drishti's words came to the rescue 'You should never leave a chance to be loved' And I guess it was worth it.

I wish we would become good friends real soon.

"Raksh!" The door opened and a screaming Varun jumped and wrapped his arms around my legs, looking at me cutely. "Oh, you're in time today! How much happiness flooded inside my body"

Thanks, I guess?

"Hello to you too" I smiled and ruffled his hair like someone pets their pet dog and picked him in my arms.

"Hey what are you doing!" He whispered in a serious tone. "Don't embarrass me. My future wife and my girlfriend are inside. I'm a grown-up man for mommy's sake! Put me down. If they saw me like this then-" he huffed while checking his backside if they were coming or not. "One man can understand the feelings of another man. It feels embarrassed if someone treats you like a kid in front of your girl, right?"

"Um, right" I didn't know what else I could answer because I never actually had a girlfriend. I put him back on the ground and followed him inside where Drishti along with two other girls were seated.

I'm being serious. If ten people would have come to ask my hand in marriage for her, I wouldn't be this nervous as I was now.

"Mommy he's here!" Varun guided me towards the ladies by pulling me by my hand.

To be honest, I was not one of those men who felt confident among a group of ladies he didn't know. Instead, my confidence like a sinking ship went down and down before falling to the baseline.

Even if I knew one of those as my friend, the other two being complete strangers checked me out from head to toe as their protective mode was on.

Was I overdressed?

This thought crept into my mind once again but looking at their clothes, I could tell it was not a bother.

There were wearing normal clothes that any random person going to a fair would like to wear. Drishti was wearing a pink collard t-shirt tucked in her blue bell-bottom jeans. Her hair were tied in a tight ponytail, two braids starting from somewhat above her ears. Then there were her looped silver earrings and matching pink shoes.

You understand, right?

Was I supposed to say Hi first?

"Hi, you must be Rakshit" One of them spoke and offered her hand for a handshake. "I'm Divya" We shook our hands and I was definitely in my socially awkward zone after so long.

And I thought I could be a socially active person without any difficulty.

"And I'm Sia" Progress was being made as they appeared to be as friendly as Drishti but at times you still doubt if things would go as you thought or the lord might be playing with you soon.

"So, Rakshit, since you are almost new to our neighborhood and you have somehow become the friend of the girl who normally stays away from boys-" Divya winced as Drishti hit her elbow in her stomach asking her to stop exaggerating. "Welcome to the party tonight, I meant" Party?

If We Have Each Other [Completed]Where stories live. Discover now