18: C O M P L E T E

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It was taking them so long.

They had been upstairs for a quarter hour now and my mind had started telling me that it was time for me to leave. But Rakshit had asked me to stay so I could not just leave without telling him.

I was working in the cafe when Divya called me urgently, telling me that she wanted me to meet two men blood realted to Rakshit. The seriousness in her voice was perfectly clear, so I agreed to meet them. In just half an hour two men came in the cafe and asked for me.

Normally I would have hesitated but they already looked so pale, and my discomfort could make the situation somewhat uncomfortable for them too. They introduced themselves as Romi and Arjun, Rakshit's younger brothers.

I was galvanized at the introduction at first but let them explain everything. They told me what happened five years back, Rakshit's dream and how he had to compromise with it, doing something he was not good at but never compalined being beaten up because his brothers needed money.

They did not tell me how they get here, but something inside me broke when they explained how Rakshit would sometimes return home stumbling and bruised.

His prior bruises made sense now.

Tears trickled down my face, falling off my chin when I heard how his mother tried to get him into drugs and unwilling, imagined all the pain he must have gone through.

They told me that they had heard from Divya how close we were getting to each other and asked me if I knew here he was. The entire week Rakshit had been a regular customer and his time to visit was at hand, so I asked them to stay and wait for him.

They did so.

But when Rakshit arrived I was bewildered because he did not tell me he had been through this shit. He was never willing to share anything with me but promised me that one day he will. I tried to tell him about Varun but he denied, saying that he did not care who Varun's biological father was and claimed that he would lose his cool if he heard about the man who betrayed such a mesmerizing woman.

When Rakshit came I acted terribly, quiet flowing with my emotions but he understood, he was not mad that I got to know about his past, something that many people can find offensive, and trust me, it is not wrong to feel angry.

Not everyone has the same emotions and same ways to react to a particular situation.

The sudden heartbreak when mixes with the scars of the past can give rise to anger.

But it should be to an extent, taking care that you should not break the person in front of you who truly cares.

I was still waiting for them to come down when I heard footsteps and group discussions coming from upstairs, their frequencey increasing every moment, indicating that the trio was heading downstairs. Praying to God that everything went great between them, I stood up from the couch, my eyes searching for Rakshit all the way.

As the days passed I started feeling a little more for him, a little less than love and a little more than not-in-love. Unaware of what he felt, I always tried being as close to him as possible, not physically but mentally.

"Drishti" My name escaped his lips, a smile making his face glow with happiness.

"Rakshit" I gasped, pretty charmed by that dulcet tranquil smile which seemed to wash away the insecurities and doubts of not being loved by him.

No matter how hard I tried to put myself in line, away from all this, one glimpse of him and I was back to imagining an entire future with him sometimes.

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