12: H A P P I N E S S

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Making Varun ready for the school was much more chaotic today when the boy had springs attached to him. His constant jumping from one place to other in excitement of the weekend had crossed every previous level.

And the reason was obvious.

As soon as I sent him to his play way, I started to get ready for my college day with my accelerating feelings which were not less than a roller coaster ride today. The results of the scholarship exam would be out today.

My heart knew how much I panicked before any big event in my life, so reluctantly it increased its pace as if mocking me for being the anxious person I was.

Okay, you can beat like this when we get there. Stop giving me a panic attack, heart.

As if it could listen to me, its beating slowly restored back to normal by the time I was ready and searching for the keys to lock the house. Picking the keys from the key hanger, I went outside and locked the door violently because-

I was running late and it was not new this week.

"Oh come on! Why do you have to do this? Not today at least!" After muttering a few fascinating curses to the lock, I was still jerking the key violently in the keyhole.

My attempts yielded no fruitful result, so I thought of something different and opened the door before banging it close. I didn't have the tiniest hairline idea of why I did that but anyways

It should work.

"Someone's in a bad mood today" the loud voice was genuinely aimed at winning my attention. I looked at that side and found Rakshit watering the plants in his garden. "Woah, pretty violent in the morning itself" he smiled.

"This door is not closing and I'm late!"

"Again?" He laughed.

Rakshit had been witnessing my oh so messed-up morning schedule nowadays but usually did not have the time to ask me about it, just because I would be running towards my scooty and racing towards my college.

But today I was struggling with the door so he had the time to indirectly taunt me and tell me that he noticed this whole week of me being lazy AF.

"Oh God, not today! I want to see my result!" I prayed to God but the door had sworn that it was not going easy on me any time soon. "My life!"

Kicking the door twice in frustration, I accidentally threw the key on the ground and bent to pick it but instead of me, another hand-picked it.

"Um, thanks" I mumbled and tried taking the key from him but he folded it in his hands and pulled it back to himself.

"You should go, I'll lock it and keep the keys with me if you trust me. You're getting late I guess" Not a guess, he just stated the fact. "If you trust me" he stressed the words once again.

"It's okay, I do trust you" Without the haste that was once there, I had calmed down to talk to him but soon realized that yeah, I was actually late for this oh so about to be cute moment to proceed "I'm so sorry for the disturbance Rakshit. I swear I won't bother you again for this stupid purpose. Thanks a lot for helping me"

"That's what friends do" He patted ny shoulder and started locking the door. "All the best Drishti" he said, turning the key in the door hole which was adamant in its decision.

More than when I decide that I will work out.

"Huh?" I asked him not being sure of what he just said.

"Your results, you were just screaming a few seconds ago that you are late?"



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