Chapter 11

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Narrator POV:

After last night, a few students and some demon slayers were injured. The remaining people brought them to a hospital to quickly heal them and get on their feet.

In the Hospital Room, Tanjiro, Sero, Inosuke, and Deku, sleeping while the other injured weren't significant, woke up eating to gain strength in another room.

Deku woke up. First, he saw the other men sleeping soundly, trying to heal up. " Oh, you're awake!" A mysterious voice occurred. " Oh, All Might, what are you doing here? " Deku said, trying to get up but quickly pain then slowly down.

" What do you mean I'm here for? I'm checking just to make sure all of you are okay. No need to explain. Mina already told me everything. " " Young Kamado's friends tried to visit, but they wouldn't let them in till the morning. I'm pretty sure they should be here in a moment. Matter a fact. I think I just saw the-"

" TANJIRO!" Zenitsu yelled. A loud door opened and banged woke up Tanjiro and Inosuke, including Sero. " Wha huh?!" Tanjiro woke up shocked, trying to process. " Are you alright?! 

These people were trying to grab me, but I couldn't stop seeing my friend. Nezuko, you can come out now." Zenitsu said. Nezuko walked in and ran to the tanjiro to see if I was okay. She put her head down on Tanjiro's chest. Tanjiro rubbed Nezuko's hair, making her slowly fall asleep.

" Is Inosuke even awake?"Tanjiro said, looking at inosuke in his bed. He lay there, not moving a muscle. " Oh, he's awake. He's just relaxed. Which is rare." Zenitsu said, having a little nervous tone." Sero's healing pretty quickly. How's Deku?" They turned to Deku, listening to their conversation. 

" You guys are the best trios I've ever seen. Besides my other two friends. One is calm and relaxed, but my friend you've seen before was Kacchan. 2 is a friend I've known is calm and relaxed and more respectful." Deku said while laughing.

A door knock sound happened two times. " Come in!" All Might said. The door opened to see multiple students coming into the room. 

" Deku! Sero! Are you guys okay? We've heard what happened, so we came to you guys as fast as possible." Ochako cried. " We're lucky, Mr. Aizawa. Let us check you guys during class," Tokoyami said while crossing his arms.

" Thank you, everyone, for checking upon us," Deku said. " And you two, are you alright as well? Midoriya, do you know them?" Ojiro said.

 " Ah, yes! Please let me introduce them to you. This one is Tanjiro. The one relaxing is Inosuke, Zenitsu, and Nezuko." Deku said, introducing them to them. " It's nice to meet you!" Tanjiro said, looking at all of them.

" They were all involved, and they were great fighters as well. I think all of them have the same quirk but different techniques!" Sero exclaimed. 

" Oh really, please tell us what kind of quirk you all have!" Hagakure said with an exciting tone. " Calm down now. They just got here, so they don't know a lot." All Might said. Everyone nodded. The nurse came in with a shocked face with how many visitors. " Oh, hello, Recovery Girl! You made it!" All might be said.

Recovery Girl walked in, making the students separate so she could walk in. " Alright, I think visiting time is over for now just let me heal these poor gentlemen." She said, looking at the students.

The students nodded and left the room, leaving Zenitsu behind. " Except you gentlemen and the young lady, step back, lemme heal them real quick! Recover said with a soft tone.

They see Recovery Girl making a smooch on Tanjiro first, making him heal almost instantly. " Um, what's going on?" Zenitsu said, confused, while the recovery girl kissed a peck on Tanjiro's cheek. " Ah, that's Recovery Girl's power. 

She can heal by putting a kiss." All Might be explained. " Amazing.. it would take a while when we were injured like this," Tanjiro said, looking surprised. After Recover Girl healed Deku and Sero, she started to walk to Inosuke.

Inosuke notices the lip about to touch him, which- " AHHHHH! WHAT ARE YOU DOING" Inosuke yelled, jumping from his bed and standing up on the bed. " Inosuke! Calm down! It's only a peck, relax!" Tanjiro said, trying to calm him down. Inosuke was still shocked until Recovery Girl had already given him a quick smooch which made him heal.

Inosuke was yelling till suddenly he wired down and fell asleep falling in the bed. Everyone was still quite shocked by what had occurred. " Don't worry, and I'm used to this with stubborn patients." Recovery Girl said. 

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