Chapter 9

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Lighting Fire

After being sucked into a portal, Deku, Nezuko, and Zenitsu landed safely on the ground where they were in the exact location but far away.

" Nezuko, Zenitsu! Are you alright?" Midoriya ran to them to check if they were alright. Nezuko nodded happily while Zenitsu looked at Midoriya and quickly ran to nezuko.

" NEZUKOO, ARE YOU ALRIGHT MY PRINCESS ARE YOU HURT DID YOUR FINGER BLEED?" Zenitsu cried, as he inspects nezuko, their face is worried and also nervous as she keeps nodded plenty of times to know she is okay. Deku just stands there a little surprised by what happened.  " U-uh Zenitsu, I think she's just fine," Deku said calmly. Zenitsu calms turn to turn to look at Deku.

"Why do-" He stopped as he heard a sudden step in the ground sound like demon feet. " Wait, I hear something coming from there." Zenitsu lowered his voice,, pointing at the wood. " Nezuko, go hide somewhere so you can be safe, unless you're in danger," Deku said smiling. Nezuko immediately thought of Deku as her brother. Nodded and hidden in the bushes.

Zenitsu then, shook around as he was scared of hearing faster demon steps when it was nothing in sight. " Zenitsu... Zenitsu... Zenitsu!" Deku cried to him as he starts his position to fight. " With this demon, how do we defeat it?" Deku said. 

" Y-you have the slice their head off by their neck to kill them." Deku hesitated by the word "kill". " You have to kill them to defeat the demons?" " Is there any other way to hurt them instead of killing them? Putting them to jail?" Deku said to find another way to fight.

Zenitsu looked at Deku as he examined. " Well, if I know Shinbou can poison them," Zenitsu said. " Who's... Shinobu? " Deku said,, confused. " Oh nothing important, she's also a hero but uh somehow passed away." He lied. " Oh... I'm sorry-" Deku stopped. He heard more footsteps getting closer.

Zenitsu shrieked as he hears the demon closer. " No way.. is it under the ground?" He thought. " Zenitsu, where's the steps coming from," Deku said severe tone. He then starts to power up, with lighting all over. " It's nowhere up here but probably under the ground," Zenitsu said. " Wait, his lightning is like mine.." Zenitsu though shocked. 

"Hehe! It looks like I got someone to fight!" a mysterious voice. A light tone is similar to a women's tone. They popped out of the ground, they had medium brown faded to white color ends, with Pink eyes, the same skin as the demon they met when they were together, pale white skin. Her clothes were full of rainbows with a happy face sticker on her neck.

They look at the 2 people standing in front of them, looking very interesting at them up and down. " Keep your mark and never lose sight of that demon," Deku said. He turned around to see Zenitsu already on the ground with a bubble out. 

" Is he for real sleeping!?" He thought. He turned around back to the demon already up in his face, maybe eye contact. " You know, you're very attractive.." they said smiling. " Your eyes are pretty iconic, when I eat you I will keep your eyeballs as a souvenir! they cried.

Deku quickly activated his quirk to manage a punch on the demon's face as blood pours out of the demon's nose and flies in the air. They got up still smiling even more fascinated. " Oh my... I caught a good one!" they said weakly. They wiped the nose blood off as they looked at Deku. Then zoomed at him when Deku prepared for another attack and prepared for a kick a boom of wind brushed off them pushing trees and leaves falling off. Zenitsu still sleeping. 

" Ugh, the demon's punch is s-strong!" He said. "Looks like it's time to show my weapon.. hey! I wanna show you my weapon wanna see it?" They said.

The demon lifted up their arms as they form a Polearm, with little flowers and dead skulls as decorations and the background color is red. They kick the polearm to have it caught on their arm ready for combat. 

They then, laughed crazier and crazier as they soared to Deku with a charged attack. Deku dogged many but then stabbed on the arm first, which was his weakest point. " Damn it.." Deku said in pain. He tried to think of something to dodge his attacks as they were coming faster.

Deku then has the chance to punch them on also their neck. " Y-you, you really think you can slash my neck by punching it?!" "I-I thought you were my friend!" The demon said disappointed and then started to tear up. They fell to the ground and started pouting, screaming. " You idiot, you betrayed me!" They cried. " You deserve to never be in this world." They said in a low voice.

They get up, stare at Deku, then are already stabbed in Deku's legs. He fell to the ground trying to get up. The Demon walked to deku with an angered face.

 " I regret ever seeing your stunning face, I'm still taking your eyes. I guess I'll eat you with a painful death." They walked and sat down. " And also your little friend here will also be eaten." They looked at Zenitsu. " He sure is ugly." the demon said in disgust. 

After almost the demon getting Deku. A girl quickly runs over and kicks the demon in the face zooming her in the air and hitting a bunch of trees. " Y-you brat! You have some nerve-kicking one of the most powerful demons in the family.." "Why you..?!" The demon runs after Nezuko trying to slice Nezuko's neck.

 " I just realized, you're also a demon.. why are you helping these humans.." The demon said, confused. " You don't even look pretty, why would you try to protect him?" they asked. Nezuko quickly slashed the demon's arms and legs growling. The demon screamed in pain and also in anger. " You bastard, I'll kill you!" 

The flirty demon's speed increased making backing move toward Nezuko, she tried dodging all she can, however, the demon slashed Nezuko's leg making her fall to the ground. Nezuko tried to bare the pain and tries to get up with one leg.

" It's a shame pretty like you has to die, you are pretty familiar.. my brother has probably heard something like you. Who cares?! " The demon cried making her laugh smiling. Her Polerarm, changes to more spikes and is sharper. Nezuko jumps to dodge the attacks. 

The demon elegantly jumps to swish and swash her polearm, making scratches to Nezuko's Arms,, making deep cuts. " Looks like your regeneration is slow, hehe! Time to end you once and for al-"

" Thunder breathing.."

" First Form."

A slash occurred, cutting the demon's neck and immediately falling to the ground. " Huh?" The demon sounded with a confusing tone. The lightning speed is like a ping pong bouncing to places. Zenitsu stopped to, unfortunately, fall to the ground.

He woke up, suddenly rubbing his eyes. " Morning already..?" Zenitsu said with a tiring voice, he realized it was night and turned to see someone on the ground. A man with green hair and a woman with black to pink hair. " OH MY GOD!" He screamed he ran to the person immediately inspect.

" Nezuko are you okay? Are you hurt?!" Tanjiro said checking on nezuko. He looked at her arm as it is healing but slowly, he turned to see Deku injured but not urgent. Finally, he saw the demon head on the ground. " A DEMON?!" He screamed but suddenly began to realize.

" If I have been asleep and the nexk is here, it should be gone by now.. why isn't disappearing?" 

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