Hades Shadow (part 1)

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James POV

I was sitting in my office in the auror department when someone knocked on the door.

"Come in!" I said and Kingsley Shacklebolt walked in. "Yes Shacklebolt?"

"There has been another attack."

"By whom?"

"The unknown loner people has started calling Hades Shadow."

"Fuck... why is it that the auror department can't capture one man. I mean he's working by himself and we haven't managed to captured him."

"How are you so sure it's a him?"

"From earlier observations. The only thing we know is that it's a male between the age of 10 and 17."

"What?! That means he could go to Hogwarts."

"I know, but we have no clue what he looks like or anything so we don't have proof."

"Have you tried to look after males between 10 and 17 that do not go to Hogwarts because this guy has done some attacks during school time and he wouldn't be able to get out of the school to do that."

"Good point Kingsley, but who was he attack on this time?"

"Someone named Daniel Johansson. He was called missing after not showing up for work for a month and aurors went to his home. His dead body was covered in scars and they think he ended up dying by a deep cut over the throat. This means he drowned in his own blood after being tortured."

"Do we know why he went after Daniel off all people?"

"No we haven't found out why he targets who he targets yet."

"Try to find out and I will try to search out males between 10 and 17. We will not stop before we catch him." I said and Kingsley left. Then I left to give a report to Dumbledore. There had also been more death eater attacks lately so we have restored the order. Dumbledore was worried about the death eater attacks since they are more planned again which means someone actually plans the attacks. I took the floo to the order headquarters. It was currently summer break so I knew Dumbledore would be there. "Dumbledore are you in here?" I asked walking into the meeting room.

"Yes James what can I help you with?"

"There has been another attack by this Hades Shadow guy. On Daniel Johansson he had been missing a month before aurors found him dead in his home."

"Have you found out anything more about this Hades Shadow?"

"No we haven't got anymore than that it's a male between 10 and 17."

"That's okay James just try continuing to search after him. This guy is good at what he is doing because every time he takes out his target we don't know about it before a week or month later and then it's to late. He also leaves no evidence ever. Not even the death eaters are this good. And this is one man. He can be extremely dangerous."

"Maybe we should have a meeting about him."

"Good idea James. I will do that immediately you can go and get Lily and Henry if you want to."

"Henry can come to the meeting?"

"Yes he has to become prepared for when he's going to defeat Voldemort. Especially if Tom has somehow gotten back."

"Alright you get the rest of the members and I get Lily and Henry." I said before asking the floo back home. When I got there I went to the kitchen. In the kitchen I saw the Weasley's together with Lily,Henry and Hermione. I have gotten used to seeing them around here since the Weasley's have been friends of the family for a while. While Hermione is a friend of Henry and Ronald since first year. "Hello everyone. I need to take Lily and Henry with me, but you are welcome to stay."

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