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"What finishes a Boggart, is laughter," continued Professor Lupin. "What you need to do is force it to resume a shape that you find amusing."

The entire class was listening intently, and so were Cedric and me. He came a bit late with his arm wrapped in a bandage from the severe burning that had yet to heal. He didn't talk to me. Instead, he focused on the teacher the entire time. It made sense; he was probably still embarrassed from yesterday night.

Professor Lupin walked around the classroom and shifted his gaze to all of us."Before we continue, I would like to know if anyone knows of any different types of fears?"

Rita's hand suddenly appeared above the student's head. Lupin pointed at her, to which she answered. "Sir, there are many different types of fears, like fears of hands and spiders. But they come under another category, or umbrella, if you will, for that type."

"Exactly," Said Lupin, and Rita beamed. "One of the unknown umbrellas is fear of memories. These are fears of a specific memory, a memory that one may have nightmares about. A boggart can transform into memory and re-enact the moment as if it was happening then. It is challenging to look at a distressing memory in an amusing light, so they are one of Boggart's most powerful tools, as it is frightening and usually very painful."

My attention was brought to Cedric's arm, slowly flickering my hand up to examine the bandage. His eyes quickly landed on me with narrowed expression.

"Does it still hurt?" I puzzled, in which he scoffed lightly.

"What do you think?" Cedric sneered. My eyebrows furrowed in confusion; however, disgusted with his reaction.

After that, there wasn't much talking because we quickly regained our interest in the class as we joined the chorus of 'ridikkulus' following the line.

There was an old wardrobe at the end of the room. It made a violent wobbling sound, and some of my classmates jumped back in alarm; However, I was fascinated to find out how it works. I watched as Argus decided to step forward, eager to face the creature. His hand gripped the wand, and his face was covered with amusement. Pressor Lupin promptly sent a ribbon of sparks hurtling towards the closet. The wardrobe burst open, hook-nosed and menacing; Boggart Lucius stepped out and slowly stalked towards Argus with anger. Everybody started to whisper around, although it made sense why he was scared of him.

Argus's brow furrowed, and his mouth turned grim, yelling aloud. "Riddikulus!"

Suddenly the Boggart was dressed in a full clown costume. The whole class burst out into fits of laughter, and so did I. Professor Lupin tried to recover from his hysterical episode before proceeding. "Now, I want all of you to think of what fears you most and what would make that amusing!"

Argus left with a vile smirk, and the room slowly went back quiet, leading to the next student. Cedric and I were right behind him as Professor Lupin pointed at Diggory to proceed. "Forward, please!" I purposely pushed him forward, receiving a grave expression from him.

Several people around perked up and craned their necks over the crowd - He was still something of a celebrity, and whispers followed him wherever he went.

Cedric took a step forward. His face was set while swallowing hard, almost tempting to watch his fear become a reality. The boggarts shape-shifted into a large, vicious-looking creature with matted black hair and whiskers. It had a furry face that appeared almost instantly with steel gray claws extended from the wolf's large black paws. Black fur with silver tips stood straight up, with a long snout cringed. My eyes went wide, and the rest of the class started to gasp. But Professor Lupin looked horrified, almost as if he saw a ghost.

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