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A groan slipped out of my mouth, frustrated having to watch Cedric flirting back and forth with girls— and to make it worse, he did it right in front of everyone in the dining hall.

I took a big bite on my apple, clenching my fingers into it while flaring through my nostrils. Tiana must've noticed since she peeked over to scan what I was focusing on.

Cedric sat on the table with both feet on the bench, viewing each girl encircled him. They all looked hungry and eager to pay attention to him with heart eyes, and of course, he had a massive grin plastered on his face in satisfaction. One of the girls who insulted me the other day was on both knees, propping up her chin with her elbow on the table— with big, rounded eyes that twinkled whenever he spoke. 

It only pissed me off because of that one girl, I could care less about who Cedric dates. My mind already disdains to have him around. However, sometimes it felt like an addiction to stare until the girl felt uncomfortable, but it never occurred. They were all blondes except for one; thanks to Michelle, she told me her name was Cho, and she could potentially be dating him right now. They have been seen walking around the castle alone, giggling with joy.

My eyes caught onto Argus and his friends, cackling hysterically after exploiting their magic on another student wandering through the hall. It didn't amuse me one bit, but suddenly, it brought an idea into my head. Cedric wouldn't tell me why I shouldn't go with him, but if I Accept Argus's invitation - I'll find out what's wrong with him. Plain and simple, right?

I jumped out of my seat, strolled off to Argus's table, and sat across from him. His attention was promptly brought to me with a curious look on his face, probably debating whether he should run or not.

"What do you want, Alora?" His thick accent sounds disturbed.

The corners of my lips rosed joyfully. "I thought about it, I'll go with you to the ball."

Argus squinted his eyes in disbelief, folding both arms against him. "What changed your mind?"

"Nothing particularly. Is it a yes or no?" I popped up an eyebrow, in which he nodded to his response.

A smug conceited on him. "You came to your senses, I see."

"Yeah, right." I rolled my eyes annoyingly, jumped up from my seat, and headed back to my table.

Michelle and Tiana were staring at me in awe, stunned by my gesture.

"What was that for?" Tiana squinted her nose, eyelids in thin slits and an uneven tone fiddling around.

I sat back down with a grave expression. "I want to see what Cedric's problem is. He told me I shouldn't go with him, who the fuck does he think he is?" My left eyebrow arched, nearly puddling the same amount of bitterness as before.

"You will surely make him go mad," Michelle stuffed her mouth with a piece of chicken. "But as a friend, I will have to give my opinion. Going with Argus is crazy." She mumbled underneath her chewing.

Dixon suddenly peeked behind me and slapped both hands onto the wooden table. My head swung quickly in his direction, with both eyes squinted in irritation.

He flashed a foolish grin. "I believe you pleaded Argus to take you to the Yule Ball?"

"Piss off, fussock." Tiana snarled, causing Dixon to scoff humorously.

"You shouldn't be the one to talk, Belrose," Dixon flew his hands back up to his chest, crossing it. "I'm here to take a message and deliver it back."

My attention went onto Cedric with his visions stuck on our table. His eyes were narrowed, lips tightening, and the muscles twisted in his jaw.

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