34- Lifetime of Hardships

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And Jax did just as he promised. 

At least, that's what he told himself. 

Sure, he'd tell the two vampires about how many years he was at the lab, but he wouldn't really go into detail about everything that went on in there. 

He'd tell them, "Oh, just testing and training was my main part of the day there." 

It wasn't a lie. Just wasn't everything that he should've told them. 

He didn't tell them of all the nights that he'd have to get up and keep training as hard as he could, only get rest when he passed out from exhaustion or got so dehydrated that he started seeing things. 

He couldn't. 

He couldn't allow himself to open up nearly as much as he should. 

Not when he'd go into his sister's room and see his new guardians playing with his sister having the time of their lives. 

Or, for the five days the werewolves were with them, how many time there were family game night, or movie nights.  

To be fair, how could he? How could he stress Victor and William with everything. That alone is way to much information for the human body can process without breakdowns. 

Jax can't let the two crumble under his watch. 

So he doesn't. 


Sorry about the late post! I've been really busy this month but I'll try to make it all up to you! 

If you have any questions, (non spoiler related) please do not hesitate to ask me! I am all for making sure you all understand and enjoy this story as much as I love writing it.  

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