2- Faces

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"Hey Jaxy?" Kaila asks.

Jax turns on his heels.

"Yes, Kaila?" He asks, crouching down and stroking her hair.

"There are faces in my room. Can you check it out?" She asks, rubbing her nose against Jax's own.

"Hmmm. Why don't we actually go out and have a bit of fun instead. That way, the faces can leave. Deal?" He asks, smiling at his little sister's face as her eyes widen.

Kaila jumps up and down. She never goes out!

Jax chuckles under his breath. His little sister loves going out.

"Make sure you bundle up." Jax says, getting up and finished cleaning the dirty dishes.

'Faces?' Jax thought. 'Man.. Kaila has such an imagination. More than any other six year old I know.'

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