21- The Light

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Jax's Master squares up, and punches at Jax.

Jax is quick to rebound, and jumps on top of the man.

Jax forces the man to fall to the ground, and Jax bears his fangs at the man.

"Bad wolf!" Jax's Master says, trying to shield his face from the werewolf's snaps.

This noise alerted the vampire brothers who ran, inhumanely, to Victor bedroom, where this scene was playing out.

"Hey!" Victor yells, causing Jax to look up from what he was doing and the man to look the the vampires, wide-eyed.

"Jax. Over here." William says, causing Jax to quickly scurry over to the vampires.

"Is this thing the man you were telling us about?" Victor asks Jax, slowing walking over to the mn, who has turned paler then a piece of paper.

Jax nods, trying to get himself out of his in-between shifts.

"Just shift in your wolf Jax. He's trying to come out and you are making this worse on yourself." William whispers to Jax, who nods, knowing that William was right.

Once Jax fully shift, his wolf looks at the Man, who is trying to crawl away from Victor, who is playing with his food, slowly walking toward the man.

Jax growls, but William quickly shushes him. Victor needed the man's full attention.

"You are what Jax is scared of? You seem less worse then an inchworm." Victor monotony states, grabbing a fistfull of the man's hair, and jerking him into a kneeling state.

The man tries to wither away from Victor, but is unsuccessful. 

"What's wrong?" Cooes Victor, "Scared of someone your own size? Is that why you go for tinier boys?"

Suddenly the man smile, showing a mouth full of bright white veneers. 

"Føļľôw mý ćömmãňđ tįłĺ dėąțh, Wāřŕīôŕ Pèț." He lisps out, to only where Jax can hear.

Then a bright light starts to appear around the man. Jax snarls, and tries to surge forward, but William hold Jax back. 

"No." Says Liam, "Stay." 

Jax listens, even though he doesn't want to. 

The light disappears as quickly as it appears. And the light takes the man with it.  

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