33- So Broken

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"What can we do to help you both?" William asks.

Both children are silent, looking at the ground. 

"Now is not the time to be silent, kids." Victor says.

Jax sighs. "I don't know." His head is down, eyes burning a hole through the floor. "This whole thing might result to a battle."

Kaila for once, doesn't say anything.

"Battle? What do you mean?" Victor asks, kneeling down infront of Jax.

Jax looks up at Victor. "A battle. It's what he's always wanted. He's always told us that it only ends if one dies. We have to battle him to the death."

William and Victor look like they are going to interrupt, or even argue.

"Would you guys please stop trying to make everything better?! Not everything can be sunshine and rainbows." Jax says, not yelling but unhappiness set in his voice.

Kaila sniffles. "He's right. Master is a meanie, and he'll get what he wants."

Victor sighs, his shoulders sagging. "We know not everything is gonna ever be perfect. But we didn't expect you both to be so hurt....So.....broken.

"We also didn't expect for you, Jax, to have Warrior blood, and for that evil man's team to find a way into your head. A way that could possible control you.

"But I'll be (curseword warning) damned if I won't fight tooth and nail to make sure you both are safe and protected."

Kaila and Jax both give grateful smiles to Victor.

"Can we finally say that every time something happens that relates to your safety, each other, or that cursed man, you let us know?" Liam asks.

Both children nod, and Victor picks up Jax, hugging the teen close while William cuddles Kaila.

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